Scott and I got up this morning and after our new Saturday morning ritual of french toast and fruit, took Hoku to the beach. It's been a while since she's been there and she has such a blast playing in the water! I asked her this morning, "Wanna GO BEACH?!!?!" and I swear all four of her legs jumped at the same time and she started running in circles. (Our ulterior motive was that we knew it would be a good way to wear her out so hopefully she'll sleep through the terrifying fireworks tonight that will undoubtedly have her hiding in a closet all night...)
Anyway, here's some video footage of Scott playing soccer with her at Kailua Beach Park!
Here's another video of us playing in the water. She's a good swimmer!

Finally, showing off my belly at the beach... :) Next 4th of July we'll have our little one down there with us! For now, it's time to go comb more of the sand out of Hoku's fur...
You look absolutely wonderful. It's good to see that you and Scott are doing so good. Happy 4th!!! -Ryan
I agree with Ryan! You look sooo cute :-) Hope you had fun at the beach! -Kelley
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