We had our monthly MD check-up today... and all is still progressing along as normal! Scott has the ultrasound pics so if/when he gets a chance to scan them, we'll post 'em here for y'all to see. I don't think they're as clear this time around as they were last time. Maybe the baby is getting too big to see the whole thing in the picture? Or maybe it's that there's so much more to see- kidneys and liver and brain and all! Doc said baby's brain looks nice and symmetrical. We've got Baby Einstein on the way! HA! Still no look for clues to whether it's a boy or girl... although I thought I briefly saw a little something that might indicate BOY! But then again, the heartbeat was 150 and all the wives tales there would say it's a GIRL! 3 more months to sit on pins and needles with our breaths held before we find out... ;)
Speaking of finding out... I really would like to know soon! I've been inspired to create a nursery suitable for our little one and found these adorable surfboard wall decorations online... How cute would this be?? These surfboards go on like wall paper and are about 3 feet tall. Scott would be so proud!
But if it's a girl, we could put up something like this:

I think I like the surfer theme... so there are some things I could get that would be unisex... but for most of it, we'll just have to wait!!
Cute stuff!! Isn't it fun trying to decorate the baby room :-) Thanks for the call...I'll call soon...I'm craming for my exam that's next Wed. Can't wait for it to be done so I can finish getting all the baby stuff together. Hope you're feeling well. It's so fun to read about your preggo experience!
Thanks for the cool websites! Your successfully keeping me from studying :-) Just joking, I'm pretty good at doing it myself! I can't wait to try the granola recipe...it might be a good sidetracking event for me. It's so fun to read about other mom's and mom's-to-be lives...I'm dreaming for the day I can run and exercise again!
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