Scott and I just returned from a really fun weekend in Northern California! We spent the last several days visiting his parents in Walnut Creek... Since most of the rest of the family also drove or flew in from around the country, I was able to spend time getting to know many of the the rest of my new in-laws, nephews, nieces, cousins, etc. Scott has a much bigger family than I do (his mom had 5 kids in 6 years! I don't know how she did that??!?) Our baby will be their 10th grandchild and everyone was so genuinely excited and happy for us. :) Here's a pic of Scott and his brother and sisters... a rare occasion that they're all together these days!!

They generously threw us a massive baby shower... We're way more prepared for baby now than we were a few days ago (Thanks to Aunt Liz and the long flight home yesterday, I now have a much better idea of what to expect in Baby's First Year... ok, at least the first 3 months!)

And Scott is more prepared too... HA! Thanks Margo!

We received so much stuff for baby we had to pack a whole extra suitcase to bring it all home. Swadling blankets, 'sleep sacks', hooded towels, little t-shirts and cute white/yellow/green outfits, baby bath stuff, toys... Think Baby's going to be spoiled?

The weekend was well spent laughing, talking, eating cake and ice cream,

wrestling in the grass (ok, that was just the nephews... and my husband), playing croquet in the front yard, swimming in the back yard... I really lucked out and married into a GREAT family! :)

Last night we got home to a bunch more boxes of stuff on our front step... with apparently more to come! Babies require so much stuff, it's kind of overwhelming. But because of the generosity of our friends and family, we're pretty well set up now with a crib... baby stroller... 'jumperoo'... Baby Bjorn carrier... sling carrier... diapers and 'diaper genie', etc. Thank you everyone!!!! Now that I don't officially have a job outside our home, my job
is our home... so I'll be spending plenty of time getting it all organized and ready. Nice that I still have about 3 1/2 months to get all that done!
1 comment:
Holly cow..You guys are set. That's awesome. I think I may need to borrow the caveman book. LOL:)-Ryan
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