Originally, I logged on to watch how Hawaii's Pro triathlete Bree Wee was doing... She was going for her spot to Kona and it looked great for her for a while (she was winning for several hours!)... but Ironmans are hard. And sometimes, for a whole host of possible reasons, your body just doesn't want to give anymore. That must have happened to Bree today during the run. I think it would/will happen to anyone at some point if you do enough Ironmans. I've certainly been there (a couple of times!)... I think I even remember a particular meltdown during Ironman Brazil a couple of years ago where I was thinking to myself, "Maybe I'll just get married and have kids and live a normal life so I don't have to do this anymore..." Ha! Look at me now... but I digress...
At one point the live coverage said something about how 3 of the current top 5 pro women were moms. Bree is a mom of a 2 yr old, Heather Gollnick has 3 kids, and Lisbeth Kristensen gave birth just 8 months ago! That means that last year at this time she was all big and pregnant... a physical state I am totally familiar with now. Anyway, thinking about the comeback that Kristensen made this past year after giving birth totally inspired me. Not that I'm a pro (or ever will even come close!), but more along the idea that you can get right back to your pre-preggo state soon enough if you work at it. I think all of us who are pregnant and experiencing the joys of "Wow, how cool that my body knows how to create a whole new little life!" and yet at the same time, "Gosh my butt is getting bigger everyday... will it ever be normal again?" can appreciate the accomplishment of Kristensen today (she placed 3rd among the women). By the way, even with her meltdown on the run, Bree still fought back to finish and placed 9th. Amazing.

I am also inspired by IronMamas! Isn't it cool to think that in a year, we could be back out there competing?
nice...thanks for posting that. it seems we're so conditioned to believe that once you have kids, you never get your body back, etc...but like anything, it seems to be a choice. someday i want to be an ironman (or drown trying)!
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