So Monti (Ellen's cat) has been living with us for about a month now, and the relationship among the dog (Hoku) and the other cat (Ally) seems relatively stable. Actually, Ally has a sweet deal right now because she's old news to Hoku who couldn't care less about her anymore. The only thing Ally has to put up with is Monti stealing some of her preferred sleep spots. Other than that, she's back to her normal life of sleeping 18+ hours a day and sneaking around the dog when she wants to go downstairs and get outside on the patio for some fresh air.

Monti, on the other hand, is a hoot! He's showing his acrobatic side by jumping up onto the roof of the condo (a 4+ foot jump from the patio railing). The other night Scott and I were ready to hit the sack when we heard this odd noise... sounding like it was coming from the roof... couldn't figure out for a while what it was. Turns out, Monti was up on the roof chasing around a gecko. He has good eyes because it was really dark.
Monti also likes to taunt Hoku (clearly he isn't afraid anymore). In fact, he walks around downstairs like he owns the place, even though Hoku follows him like a mesmorized puppet. If Monti saunters slowly... Hoku saunters slowly. If Monti darts outside... Hoku darts outside (usually accompanied by frustrated barking). We really need to get this on video tape. The picture below is Monti taunting Hoku while the screen door serves as a barrier to actual contact between the animals. Sometimes Monti will stand right outside the door and meow loudly until Hoku wakes up from her nap and comes calling...

If the two don't have any physical barriers between them, Monti sometimes goes into submission... even though he doesn't appear to have any fear.

So it's quite the comical scene over here at times... but the animals keep us entertained. I hear that once the baby comes all three of them are gonna get quite a bit less attention... Luckily they're all pretty low maintenance...
Sounds like some good entertainment to keep you occupied :-) How are you feeling? How have the Braxton Hicks been treating you :-)
that is TOOOO funny! today is the first time i got internet to check your blogg. I LOVE IT! i am glad to see monti has accustomed to his old/new environmnent.Hopefully I will too!
ellen in kuwait
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