I talked with my girlfriend, Melissa, who gave birth to twins a couple weeks ago when she was 33 1/2 weeks along. She had been on the Terbo Drug for 2+ months trying to keep those babies in there as long as possible. She said that after 4-5 days your body adapts to the drug and the shaking stops.

I know Kelly is cracking up right now because she and Ryan attended this class a while back...
During the class we were given a Labor Log so we could start tracking our contractions when we thought we were going into labor. Early labor was described as the following: 'painless tightening'. I checked my watch and started writing down all the episodes of painless tightening I was having while sitting in the class. My log shows the following:
7:06 for :40 seconds,
7:09 for :50 seconds,
7:15 for :60 seconds,
7:21 for :50 seconds,
7:32 for :50 seconds,
7:41 for :40 seconds,
7:52 for a long time (I had to get up to pee and the walking triggers them)
I stopped counting after that.
That's a heck of a lot of contractions :(.
Oh my gosh...flashbacks of the birth goddess...I warned you :-) Let me know how your appointment goes today and cheers to the couch!!
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