Two years ago if someone would have told me that I'd be a soccer mom at any point in my life I would have laughed. Loudly. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just didn't picture it for myself. Weekends spent watching soccer? HA! My weeekends were spent training on my bike or ocean swimming or on a long run...
But alas, this is where I spent my weekend.*

Now I'm the stylin' comfortable and not sunburnt pregnant soccer mom.
I actually enjoyed hanging out there on the field and watching the old guys run around kicking the ball at each other.
Afterward, we went to consumer hell.
Apparently, this is where everyone on the island with kids spends their Sunday afternoons. Scott and I aren't exactly big consumers, and the sheer volume of products in this store scared us to some degree... but we put our patient hats on and managed to get through unscathed with at least a few of the things we set out for. And now we have enough pasta/sauce to get us through a major famine.
As a reward for guarding the house while we were gone and not attacking the cats today, Hoku got to go to the pool!

3 seconds later...

Ahhh, it's a tough life for the dog.
*For the record, I've already claimed Saturday mornings for my own workouts after the baby is born...
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