Happy Birthday! I know your birthday really isn't until tomorrow, but I think I read somewhere that today in Hawaii is tomorrow in Kuwait... or something like that.
I'm so proud! I caught you a present for your birthday!! Do you like it? I'm assuming it is on its way to you now... You should have seen the excitement on the Woman Who Swallowed a Basketball's face when she saw it... she screamed and jumped and ran inside to get The Husband right away. He packaged it up so hopefully you'll get it soon. I ripped its head off for you so you don't have to do that yourself. You're welcome! :)

In more adventurous news, I've finally discovered The Land Beyond The Front Door! I figured out how to escape... the Big Black Monster is pretty good at sensing when the Woman Who Swallowed a Basketball is coming home... so when doggie goes to the door the greet her, I slip out right between her legs through all the confusion! HA! She's too uncoordinated these days to chase me down the steps, so freedom is easily attained...

I usually don't get to stay out too late because The Husband comes out to get me. He's nice enough so I don't mind when he picks me up. And don't tell anyone, but secretly I'm kind of relieved when he comes to get me. It's kind of scary out there.
I also found a new favorite place to sleep! The Woman Who Swallowed a Basketball seems to be rearranging this room all the time lately, but I found this comfy place to hang out and sleep. It feels safe because of the bars. Only problem is now the door is closed all the time so access to this sacred sleeping place is limited.
And in other good news, I've lost some weight since I've been here! You know, I used to almost look like this (ok, maybe not quite so bad)...

Ok, I gotta go. It's time to go stand by the front door and meow as loud as I can... just checking to see if I can annoy the WWSABB (you know, the Woman Who...) enough to open the door and actually let me out...
Love, Monti
PS- I think I heard a rumor about us leaving Hawaii at some point? What's that all about?? Bruddah, the Land of Aloha is where it's at! We can't leave!??!?
Too cute. You might be moving? Where to? Ohio right? :)
Ha ha... no, mot me moving... my friend Ellen is an NP in the Navy (Monti is her cat that I'm watching while she's gone), now stationed in Kuwait until January. She just got orders to move to San Diego next June so she'll be leaving then. So sad when you're friends with people in the military and they move away. :(
thanks monti and give my best to your fabulous care takers.....don't worry, san diego has lots of birds too! and it is only for a few years....we will be back in hawaii before you know it.
love, ellen in kuwait.
Haha, that's cute! The crib looks great ! Thanks for the tip on the carbs!
Hey there, per your comment on my blog. I don't know yet, it's the OH News Network which I think is like 70, but don't know for sure. I will have a link at some point.
i'm laughing my head off! nice work monti! ;-)
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