Me: What are you doing?
Scott: A mommy who sleeps through the night is a Happy Mommy. A Happy Mommy makes for a happy home...
And within minutes... TA DA! Check it out! How cool is this? I covered the pad with a loose sheet. My belly fits right in there and I am once again a stomach sleeper. :)
We may need to double it up in the coming weeks to make the hole deeper as I continue to grow... I have some ideas of ways to make it more supportive and comfortable too... Maybe add a couple smaller grooves just above the belly hole to accomodate the BOUS's*...
I've slept on it for a few nights now and although it's not perfect, it is the best solution I have found so far. I dug around some on the internet looking for a similar product that is made and sold, but found nothing like it. All those pregnant woman sleep aids are just versions of pillows that let you sleep only on your side. I really thought we could patent this piece of foam with the hole. Scott doesn't think so because it's such an obvious idea. Whatever. All that matters is that I'm sleeping a little bit better these days. Happier Mommy. :)
*Breasts of Unusual Size
That is freakin' hilarious!! We actually thought about doing something like that but never went through with it...I think it's genius...you should definitely patent it!! I'll buy it next time around :-)
I absolutely think you should patent it. "stupider" things have been created and sold and this is actually functional.
OH MY GOSH! I would have loved to have that! I stacked pillows but never thought of that.... you could make millions, pregnant ladies are desperate! Happy sleeping.... you are ALMOST there...
Ha! I had a great laugh at the picture of your hubby cutting out the hole. How very sweet of him...even if it doesn't end up working out!
Hey...someone came up with the Boppy and that's a pretty obvious idea. I bet you could patent it and that people would buy it if it wasn't too expensive. Given it's a piece of foam covered by fabric..You could probably sell it for like $35-$40 and make a profit while still making it affordable for aching preggos. *grin*
Me, I too am a stomach sleeper that has been sadly without stomach sleep. I figured out recently that I can sleep cattiwonkas on my tummy on the left side with my right leg sort of bent up high as roll-over prevention and hip ache relief. I just use two pillows - one directly under my head pillow and one beneath that for my hips. I've been getting the best sleep of my pregnancy the past week. *grin*
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