So yesterday I got her all packed up in the jogger and just as we were about to go, it started raining. Not hard rain... just a drizzle... If I were alone I wouldn't have even flinched at running in it, but it did occur to me that subjecting my 4 month old to conditions like that so I could get an easy run in wasn't exactly appropriate. I waited a few minutes, because sometimes weather changes really fast here, but ended up unpacking her and lugging her back upstairs after she started getting restless.

We were on a 15 minute rain delay. It did appear to clear up so I thought I would give it another go. Packed back up in her car seat, we went back downstairs and got going.
I was having a good run... pushing those 40 lbs up the hills around my house is getting easier all the time.
Unfortunately, with about a mile and a half left until we got home, the sky just opened up on us. I don't know where that storm came from (I swear it was sunny when we left!), but it moved in on us quickly and produced rain that came from the side. I covered Moana with the canopy of the jogger and the canopy of the car seat and hoped it would be enough to keep her dry until we got home.
In good news, I found out a couple of things:
A) The jogger does go at threshold pace after all.
B) The canopy does a pretty good job of keeping a baby dry.
c) Moana can sleep through anything.
She woke up as I was bringing her back upstairs afterward... apparently she sleeps through anything except Mama's wet hat dripping water on her... But check it out... turns out Moana makes a good sherpa.

aww.. how cute. I love how you have found the right time to go running. It is all an art!!!
I must admit that I have run with Elena a couple times in the rain. Like you, it was nice when it started and then the sky opened up. Cute photo with the Gatorade bottle.
Her expression in the top picture is adorable.
Good to know about the canopy.
The husband wants kids just so they can bring him stuff and carry things for him. We're going to make such great parents.
LOVE the face in the pram! One thing I have learned from running in the rain - don't wear a long sleeved shirt that absorbs water and subsequently weighs you down! :o)
Cute pics of Moana! We've gotten caught in a sideways downpour too (except sara doesn't sleep through it!) and the stroller/carseat canopy actually works pretty well except for the small peep hole on the side :)
Super cute!! LOVE these pics ;-))
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