So it appears that I have a few minutes to update the blog while Moana continues her morning nap. Seems like we've finally outgrown the 3-nap-per-day schedule and have moved onto the 2-nap-per-day schedule. The books I read said that should have happened like a month ago, but my little angel daughter was turning into Ms. CrankyPants if she was awake for more than 2 hours at a stretch so it seemed I was always putting her down for a nap. It's still kind of a guessing game for me trying to figure out exactly when she should go down (based upon when she last ate, when I think she's going to want to eat again, when she last woke up, how long the last nap was, etc) but currently I'm just basing it on when she just starts to get a little grumpy. It worked this morning. She started making the I'm-Tired-Grunting noises around 9:45 so I carried her up to her crib, where she gave one little yell out and then turned her head to the side and dozed off. Easiest nap time EVER.
I'm a fan of the longer naps too. This morning was awesome- I got home from running and played with her for a while, then while she's napping I had time to get on my trainer for an hour, shower, make lunch, clean the kitchen, throw in a load of laundry, and update the blog. What was Allison saying on FB about trying to cram it all in while baby is napping? That's what moms do I think!! :)
Moana has totally become the little escape artist lately. She isn't a fan of being strapped into her bouncy chair and protests by arching her back a bunch trying to break out. But without being strapped in, this is what happens.

It does seem that she prefers to be on the floor these days rather than in her chair. Not that she's making an effort to crawl or anything. Or even roll over. She can totally do it if she wants to, but she just seems pretty content to stay in one place a lot. I probably shouldn't complain about this because one of these days I'm gonna be updating this blog with crazy stories of chasing her around the house and babyproofing everything... or maybe then I won't have time to update the blog at all because of all the chasing her around. But so far I've just got a little girl who's perfectly content to hang out and look around, even though clearly she is strong enough to move if she ever actually tried.

Sara hasn't graduated to the two naps a day yet...we've got the REALLY long 30 minute morning nap. The "if we're lucky" 1 hour lunch time nap (typically 45 minutes) and the "I'm going to scream bloody murder when I wake up" 25 minute afternoon nap. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself yesterday for getting a 30 minute trainer ride in and then running in to grab here all nice and sweaty...lucky her :-)
I think it's a good thing that Moana's staying put for now. I'm praying that Sara holds off on the crawling for a little while longer because life is going to get really interesting soon. I was online today trying to figure out how to babyproof our house. If anyone has any great tips let me know!
She's looking pretty strong in that last picture...look out she'll probably be moving before you know it.
Sara hasn't graduated to the two naps a day yet...we've got the REALLY long 30 minute morning nap. The "if we're lucky" 1 hour lunch time nap (typically 45 minutes) and the "I'm going to scream bloody murder when I wake up" 25 minute afternoon nap. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself yesterday for getting a 30 minute trainer ride in and then running in to grab here all nice and sweaty...lucky her :-)
I think it's a good thing that Moana's staying put for now. I'm praying that Sara holds off on the crawling for a little while longer because life is going to get really interesting soon. I was online today trying to figure out how to babyproof our house. If anyone has any great tips let me know!
She's looking pretty strong in that last picture...look out she'll probably be moving before you know it.
We're on two naps a day too. Morning nap of about 90 minutes and an afternoon one of about 45 (usually in the jog stroller). I am amazed at how at 5 months, it's like our babies suddenly got so active! I'm almost glad Baker hates being on his belly because maybe that'll halt his forward movement. Until then, we're done with the bouncer and swing. He just won't tolerate them AT ALL. Being strapped in is the worst thing for him (except the stroller, thankfully).
wow look at all that hair in the last picture!!
does scott just call her "mini me"?
: )
Love the pictures of her escaping from her chair. They are like crime scene pictures.
We've been on 2 naps for a little while now, but Zach has never been much of a sleeper. And count your blessings she's not moving. Zach is EVERYWHERE.
I love the escape move. She was really determined to get out of that thing. Elena has now graduated to 1 nap (most days), but it lasts 2-2.5 hours. I can get a long trainer ride in, but I barely have time for anything else when she is awake.
Pretty sure I'd take 3 naps a day if someone took care of me all day too. :o)
Ryan is on 1/day for about 2-2.5 hours. I've been trying to move Brayden from 2/day to 1/day...it's working pretty well actually so I can get tons done when they are napping at the same time. Unfortunately on the days Brayden protests to only getting 1 nap...mommy doesn't even have time to sit down.
Ryan didn't move to 1/day until around 14 months, so the fact that I can get Brayden to 1 at 11 months is great.
When she starts moving...less blogging time for sure. My blogging has decreased significantly just over the last 2 weeks because of moving Brayden to 1 nap/day.
That is too funny about the bouncy chair!! I wonder if she is on a specific schedule everyday with the naps and bedtime? I'm at 2 months now with Nick and he does 3 naps a day most days, sometimes it is a quick nap and sometimes 2 hours which is great!
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