I was actually nervous for this workout this morning... Jen told me what I was supposed to do last night and it involved words like ALL OUT and FAST. Uh, ok. That translated to me like make sure you go to the bathroom 3x before heading out the door.
My friend (and new neighbor!), Kathryn, joined me to run this morning. She rode her bike next to me while I jogged over to the track at o-dark-thirty.

I've done several track workouts so far this year... I think this was like my 5th one. I've never really been afraid of the track like I hear some runners are... but I think that's because I always hold back a little on the track. Never really go ALL OUT... maybe I've held the more conventional thought of not killing myself so I could avoid injury . Or whatever. Maybe I was just lazy. Or wimpy. Or whatever. Maybe I just never had anyone tell me to go ALL OUT before.

But today there were parts that were ALL OUT. I was supposed to envision Jen on the sidelines yelling "GO! GO! GO!!!" at me. And that's what I did. I shocked myself at how fast I could run when I push it. And now I know what those other runners are talking about when they say they work so hard that they're bent over with hands on knees gasping for breath after each repeat...

I might continue to be nervous now for track workouts, because yes, they are hard. But on our way home after we were done, Kathryn and I both agreed that we liked it.
Awesome work!
Now I wanna see you puke out there. :)
yay, yay, yay!
it's going to be SOOOO much fun to follow your journey.
get ready to be rocketed to outer space!
: )
awesome job!!! my intervals start this week and I am planning on using the track for the first time, should be fun :)
I LIKE YOUR THINKING KATE Parker (my maiden name, I always liked you).......Just so you know....you do get EXTRA CREDIT if you puke!!!! :)))) great work. I see that dirt track and cringe. haa haa :)
Awesome! I love the bent over hands on your knees feeling. And I know what you mean about the ALL OUT and HARD in Jen's workouts. I get all giddy when I see them in my program.
wow, fantastic!
Good job! they are hard workouts!!!
NICE job! o'dark-thirty is hard isn't it!? :)
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