And shoot, now that she's reading and all...

Yesterday morning I went in to check on her and found her sleeping on her side. With her favorite blankie (Thanks, Auntie Andrea!) and dollie (Thanks, Auntie Catharine!).

I'd never seen her so far over on her side before. I figured it was just a matter of time before she rolled herself all the way over onto her tummy.
In fact, it was just one day. This morning Scott went in to check on her and came back to report that she was fully on her tummy! I'd heard that babies do this at some point and that once they roll themselves over then it's ok, right? I'm actually sort of surprised that she was ok sleeping on her tummy because when I put her on her tummy during the day she always insists on having her head so far up that she can't relax at all... then eventually gets all grumpy and wants to be back on her back. But whatever floats her boat.
In other news, I'm supposed to go in the the doctor's office to get routine labs done sometime soon. I was going to go this morning since I'm not training until later (this would have been the best morning) but totally forgot and started drinking the yummy french press coffee that my awesome husband brought to me in bed this morning... It's a fasting blood test which just seems impossible to me because I don't fast. Ever. I eat. All the time. I guess one morning next week I'm going to have to just suck it up and do it. But seriously, delaying breakfast is like torture for me. I have no idea how people skip breakfast in the morning?
I had to do a fasting blood test a couple years ago when I started my job. They made me a 1pm appointment to get it done. Can you imagine the reaction I had when I heard that? Folks, I'm training for triathlons, I can't fast. And certainly not till that late in the day!
I'll sometimes go make a quick smoothie in the morning if I wake up before the husband on a weekend. I love snuggling, but I hate being hungry!
breakfast is my MOST favorite meal!! i've never understood skipping it OR people who say "i forgot to eat". forgot!?!?! for reals!?!?! not this chica.
i love seeing all the great pictures of moana!!
I hear you on that one! I go to the places with food in hand so that the minute I'm done I can hoard it.
Super cute pics!
Wow, roll Moana, roll! Brayden loves his tummy. The first few nights he would wake up for not being able to roll back over, but that lasted maybe 3 tops.
Fasting stinks. I'm always nibbling on something.
Fasting blood tests suck. All I can do is think about the fact that I'm not eating.
And once Zach started rolling over in his sleep there was no stopping him. I think you can stop worrying about SIDS once they are rolling over on their own.
I also can't understand skipping breakfast. I would never make the day!
i'm surprised i can go 8 hours without food when i sleep...
I hear you, my mom had to fast for a day for a colonoscopy, I can't even imagine that torture.
yay to rolling over! What a great milestone.
Finally - I have found some people who love breakfast!! I don't function properly without it :o) And can't figure out how anyone else can either. My husband never really used to eat it, but he just lost 15 pounds through (as he put it) not eating like a fatso anymore, and part of that has been including a bowl of cereal (like Kashi) in the morning that keeps him going until lunch (not easy in an office where there are donuts everyday (which is another American thing I don't get!!).
The Moana pics are so cute!
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