Ok, so what have the little one and I been up to lately? Well... she helps me practice yoga!

She's not so into being confined these days... We've figured out why the bouncy chair has that seat belt thing...

And clearly she loves her Bebe Pod chair.

This wheeled scooter thing seems to have passed her test of toys that she likes now because she can move around in it. Although so far she's only figured out how to go backwards... but she seems to like it...

Until she gets stuck in a corner...

At which point she resorts to eating her toys.

In other news about Moana... she's the Drooling Queen... though no signs of teeth yet. We have yet to try any real food. I just sense she's not quite ready. Maybe another month or so. Her eating/sleeping schedule has really been the best thing ever... while I used to look at it as too confining for me (i.e I'm a slave to her schedule), I now see it as freeing for me because I can plan ahead and don't really guess at all about when she's going to want to eat and when she's going to need a nap. And she hasn't woken up in the middle of the night for at least 9 nights or so... maybe longer. I'm not even counting anymore. How cool is that? She goes to bed around 6:30 and I wake her up for first feeding at 6 before I go workout. For the most part she's a super happy baby, although we have our moments... some nights she just decides she doesn't want to go to sleep and screams bloody murder. Those nights are very frustrating, but we've found that if we go in once to calm her down, eventually she gets herself to sleep. Usually it's only like 15 minutes although it can be 30-40. Those nights suck. I don't know what the books are talking about that babies learn to settle themselves to sleep after 3 nights of crying it out... because she just seems all random about what nights she goes down without a hassle and which nights she puts up a fight. The good news is that I know she knows how to go to sleep on her own, so I don't get upset about listening to her cry it out anymore... just more frustrated than anything. Luckily those nights are only sometimes!
sounds like Moana is an angel child!! almost 12 hrs sleep???
Great adorable pics!
i have to work on that early to bed thing for andra...the time change totally set us back! love the pics and the captions!
Early bed times are great for "hubby time" and you time!
Moana looks like she's getting a lot of soft blonde hair...how cute is she?!!
If the drool is there, the teeth are coming...maybe why some nights she fusses a little when you put her down too? I don't know, it's so random how they each handle teething.
Love the pictures!!
Love the Ambien CR Kleenex!
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