Moana woke up at 2:30 last night (this morning)... I thought maybe she'd settle herself back to sleep, but when Scott went in to check on her, it seems she'd managed to get her foot out of her pj's (slipped it between snaps). Since it got down to 55 measly degrees here and we don't have central heating, her poor little foot was like an ice cube. Of course I should have zipped her up in one of those warm sleep sacks before putting her down, but I didn't think of it. But eventually she did go back to sleep and then kept the fleece on until like noon today.

In the Smoker News Update, it appears that the woman lighting up at the bus stop at 6:30 in the morning is going to be a regular occurrence. Apparently she can't pay for gas to drive herself to work, but can still afford her cigarettes. Smart choice. So glad I get to run through her pollution now on a daily basis. Ugh.
At swimming this morning, we finished up our workout with our own version of Follow The Leader. It's a fun way to swim when you've got a few people who are about the same speed... We each had a 300 to lead however we wanted... swimming side by side (with the leader in the middle so the other two can watch carefully), the game is to watch the leader and go fast when he/she goes fast, and slow when he/she goes slow. Since the leader doesn't tell the others the plan for the fast parts of the swim, you have to be on high alert all the time, watching and waiting for when the leader is gonna take off and make you sprint and try not get dropped. It's quite a high anxiety way to swim, unless you're the leader and therefore know when the fast parts are gonna come. ;)
Nalani went first, choosing to sprint into and out of each wall, with easy parts in the middle of the pool. I figured out her pattern after about 200m so the last 100 knew what to expect. I went next. My secret plan was to sprint for a 75 and then go easy for a 75... though somehow I managed to lose count (not enough coffee this morning??) so ended up sprinting random 25's toward the end. Nalani was thoroughly confused at the end... not being able to figure out my pattern. Hard to do when there is no pattern.
Bob went last. Poor Bob. He went on a ski vacation to the mainland and missed the last 2 weeks of swimming with us. He opted that his 300 be part of a long easy warm down. That's what happens when you don't swim hard regularly... you get pooped out fast! I know Bob will be back to his normal fast self in another week or so, but in the meantime, he's gonna suffer. No wonder we're all overly obsessive freaks about training. Miss a week and you pay with a crappy week of training...
Ever wonder what Moana does while I'm typing up these blog posts? Well today she's been hanging out in her little scooter chair thing (don't know what these are called?). I set her up with her toys to play with while in the chair and she seems pretty content moving herself around the kitchen floor.

And then every few minutes I am summoned to her assistance since she's managed to throw all the little toys to the floor. It's tough being a baby.

I love the Sleep Sacks! Sara has been living in them since it's been so cold. Brrr!
That little surprised face is just too cute for words. :o)
Too cute!
Ugh, the smoker, that would annoy me too.
aww. so cute with the pics! I have been doing the sleep sack things. That swim workout sounds like a great one! Oh I need to get back to swimming and have a nice little group. Jealous.
That stinks about the smoker. :(
And I think that in this first picture Moana resembles your husband!!
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