Friday, October 31, 2008
Yes, I'm Hungry Too...
Eventually everyone did get food today. It's just that priorities have changed around here this week so some of us get fed with more urgency than others.
On this plan, I'll be back to my race weight in no time at all! ;)
Aside from the lack of nutrition, things are going well around here. I Love. Love. Love being Moana's mom. I can stare at her all day long, even while she's just sleeping. She makes the best faces and just has all these perfect little body parts that are so fun to inspect. This really is better than I ever imagined it would be. I'd heard from others what a cool thing it is to bring your new baby home, but this is one of those things you just have to experience for yourself to really get it.
And truth be told, there was a small part of me that thought maybe I wouldn't ever feel the way I was 'supposed' to... I don't know how clearly this came across before, but I really disliked being pregnant. That's putting it mildly. I hated it. And I had this internal fear that since I didn't love being pregnant, that I wouldn't love my baby. That's a scary thought. I mean, *really* scary.
But for me it was totally unrelated. The way I felt about being pregnant has nothing to do with the way I feel about Moana. I am overwhelmed with joy that I have her, and in the instant she was born I forgot all about how awful it was for me to put my life on hold while being pregnant. Having her on the outside is totally different and 200% better than having her on the inside. What a relief! :)
And I was also afraid that I wouldn't like breast feeding. I mean, it's kind of an odd thing, being this milk machine. I figured I'd try it, but I think in my heart I thought I probably wouldn't try that hard because I wasn't sure that breast-feeding was for me. But now I feel totally differently. Part of that is definitely because Moana is so good at it- she has incredible instincts and knows what to do and when to do it. I don't fight at all to get her to latch on- she just has to be somewhat in the vacinity and she figures the rest out for herself in about 2 seconds. It still hurts like hell when she latches on, but I just use those breathing techniques I learned during labor for a few seconds and then it feels ok. And the satisfied look Moana gets when she's done is so precious. I swear, there must be whiskey in my breasts...
Scott has proven to be the proud dad that everyone who knows him knew he would be... watching the two of them together just melts my heart. It also really makes life easier knowing that I can fully rely on him to take care of her at any time. We make a good team. :)
So I know it sounds like all is perfect here in the Simmons household... but there is one issue that we're still dealing with. I think I mentioned in my birth story that I had some unexpected and unexplained high blood pressure when I went in to the hospital on Monday night... Unfortunately, it has persisted. They almost didn't discharge me on Wed night. I actually had to call in another doctor to get a second opinion before mine would agree to let me come home... Otherwise I feel totally fine, but I'm officially on 'bed rest' until my BP stabilizes. I guess they're worried about me having a stroke or a seizure, but I don't think that's a real possibility for me because I have never had any of the other symptoms that would indicate a serious problem. Through my own research I see that it is somewhat common to have some otherwise unexplained post-partum hypertension and it usually resolves itself within a few weeks without additional intervention. I hope that is the case for me!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Day 3
Who knew that BH contractions continue after delivery? They do. For me anyway. I can totally feel my uterus contract. Sometimes randomly, but certainly whenever Moana is feeding (that's another reason to BF I guess if it helps your uterus go back to normal). I had a little freak out yeterday in the hospital during one of the contractions- I had been laying on my side when my uterus hardened up and it actually popped up so it was showing through my skin! I immediately called in a nurse to some look because I swear I thought I had a tunmor! It was about the size of a grapefruit and was obviously popping right up. She laughed at me though and just told me, "That's your uterus..." HA! I saw it do the same thing again today and now it's about the size of my fist. Very interesting.
I have a little belly now, and dare I saw it's actually kind of cute? Well, it would be if I was like 22 weeks pregnant anyway. It's just a little pouch. Smaller than I thought it would be at this point and shrinking every day. By the minute actually.
So Moana is at home now and we are all very happy. She did pretty well last night being introduced to the dog and cats, or maybe better said, they did well being introduced to her. She's pretty clueless about everything. The cats were afraid of her when she moved, although Monti Hoku just licked her toes. :)
It appears that my barracuda baby wants to assault my nipples once again. She is quite the sucker. In fact, she might think her name is OUCH before too long because that's what she hears out of my mouth a lot when she's near me...
Pics From The Hospital

Scott and I brought our little daughter home from the hospital last night. I wasn't as scared as I thought I might be... more excited than anything to show Moana her new home! She's a champ in every way! She's currently in a colostrum-induced drunken coma so I thought I'd take advantage of the time to put some pictures up. These were taken at the hospital...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I Broke the Record!
Docs says I broke the record for quick first-baby deliveries! One hour, forty-eight minutes from the start of the first 'real' contraction until Moana entered the world. I'm pretty sure it could have gone even quicker but the doc got stopped by a cop in her rush to the hospital to get to me and the nurses were trying to hold me off on pushing until she arrived... more on that later...
Anyway, we came to the birth center at about 5:00 on Monday night. The nurse started me on all the monitors, checked my cervix (still 1 cm, 50% effaced) and blood pressure. They were concerned about my BP as it was high at 140+/90+ consistently. I thought that was really odd b/c I hadn't had high BP (ever) and throughout my pregnancy it had been pretty low all along. And then watching the fetal monitors they saw that some of the 'contractions' I was having that didn't even hurt were causing baby's HR to drop below 80 and then it felt like all hell broke loose. All of a sudden I had an i.v. in my hand and a bag of fluid dripping in and too many nurses and other medical professinals in the room drawing blood and otherwise overwhelming me with medical intervention.
I started to cry.
This was not how I wanted the birth to go. I had mentally prepared myself to go with the flow prior to coming in, but I wasn't ready for i.v.s and high blood pressure and fetal distress, especially considering I wasn't even yet in 'labor'.
Anyway, I was going to stay through the night and be monitored. I wasn't looking forward to any of it and just kept thinking what a long night this is going to be. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep on that hard hospital bed. The nurse was nice enough to offer to put a softer, more comfortable mattress on the bed for me, and she suggested that I take a long hot bath to relax and maybe bring my blood pressure down a bit.
So at 9:20 PM I went into the bathroom and started running the hot water. Sat down on the toilet to empty my bladder prior to getting in and just as I did, I heard a *pop*. I wondered briefly if my water broke? There was no pain. And of course I couldn't tell if the gush was amniotic fluid or just urine though since I was peeing anyway. But then as I got up I looked in the toilet and it was full of bright red blood. That sight certainly did not do anything to help my blood pressure! Freaking out almost completely now, I called the nurse in to see. She was very calm which I appreciated so much (even more so now!)
Leaving the hot water running in the tub, I came back to bed where the nurse did some sort of litmus test check to see if my water broke. Sure enough, it did! She said the blood can happen sometimes as a result of rapid cervical change so she did one final check on me to see if there had been change. Sure enough, 3 cm and 70% effaced. From here she said they would limit checking my cervix because of risk of infection due to my water breaking.
Almost immediately following that, I felt my first 'real' contraction. It was clear that this was different than anything I'd felt before. It came on feeling like a major and very intense cramp, lasted about 70 seconds (according to the monitor) and then just instantly and completely went away. On a scale of 1-10, pain was an 8, then back to 0 again as quick as it came on. After 2 minutes of no pain, I had another one. I looked and Scott and smiled and said here we go!!
At this point we were both pretty psyched because we knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later. Nurse called my doctor to tell her what was going on, and then she asked me my thoughts about an epidural. Prior to labor, my thoughts on an epidural were this: I'd probably end up getting one. But I had this curious desire to see what it was like... how bad did it really hurt? It ocurred to me that I might be able to go without the pain meds if labor was short enough, although I didn't have much hope of that. I was told that the anesthisiologist had gone home for the night (but was on call) so if I wanted an epidural I needed to give the nurse 45 minutes to an hour of heads up time before I could expect to get one.
So the contractions went on, every 2-3 minutes for about a minute each. It was extremely intense (I'm sure some very loud gutteral screams were heard island-wide) but I definitely took advantage of the rest periods to breathe and drink water. I think this is where previous interval training on the track and in the pool was to my advantage... I know how to help myself relax and recover before the next interval!
Before I knew it, the nurses were telling me to let them know when I started feeling pressure to push. Really? Already? I guess they could tell by the intensity of my grunts and moans that I was in the transition stage. I guess I could tell too because the pain went from an 8 to a 10 to a 12 on that 10 point scale... and then I felt the urge.
They got me back on the bed for this part- I had been on an exercise ball for the bulk of the contractions. Three nurses were in the room but no doctor. They kept telling me to 'blow out the candle' instead of pushing when I felt the urge. What? Were they crazy? The urge to push was instinctual. Unstoppable. I did what I could to not push, but after a couple contractions like that, Moana* just slipped out on her own. Doc arrived just in time to watch the nurse catch my baby. Don't get me wrong- it hurt/burned like hell. And I screamed. Loudly. But then after the final contraction I heard Scott cry out "It's a GIRL" and then she was placed on my chest while my husband melted down.
I stared at this perfectly formed little person on my chest and was just amazed. There are no words for that moment. I stayed up for the rest of the night, staring at her, realizing that I'm now her mom.
*We named our little daughter Moana. It's the Hawaiian word for ocean. I picked it our months ago because it just seemed to make sense to me since Scott and I are both such ocean people. We even got engaged in the ocean (on a surfboard!)

We just received an email from Mama Simmons from the is what she said:
"She is the sweetest thing!!! Just fed her, changed her, and swaddled her and she's happy and asleep on my lap now. :) She's a noisy sleeper. She has long fingers and toes. Very light hair and kind of dark blue eyes. Perfect nose! Clearly the cutest baby ever...Her head is as round as can be...probably because she spent all of about 15 minutes in the birth canal before popping right out. I didn't even push (but it still hurt like heck!)"
It's a GIRL!! :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Headed To The Hospital
I can feel them coming on and then I just brace myself for major pain. It's the kind of pain where I have to mentally transport myself to my 'peaceful place' and just close my eyes and try to breathe until the crampiness finally releases. And when it does, I go back to feeling just fine.
Sometimes I do still feel the painless tightening of the BH, which are far less bothersome to me now that I'm having these real pains...
I finally called my doctor and told her. I don't want to go to the birthing center just to be told it's nothing and then be sent home, but she told me to go in and get checked out. Seems like a good idea. So when Scott gets home from work we're gonna head over.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Last Pregnancy Pics

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Husband of the Year
Last night we thought we might be starting something. I was having contractions every 7-8 minutes for the whole two hours that I kept track, and they were more intense than what I'd felt before. I could feel the contraction start and build and peak and then relax again which was actually sort of cool.
I expected to wake up in the middle of the night in full blown labor (maybe even in a puddle?), but instead I slept as soundly as ever and woke up with a relaxed uterus.
I think false labor contractions should be banned. They are such a cruel tease.
Anyway, in lieu of any good baby news today, I thought I'd spend some time bragging about my awesome husband. :)
Last night as we were going to bed and really thinking that this might be it, we were both almost giddy (which, in retrospect should have been a sign to me that it's not the real thing since my demeanor is supposed to change... giggling with my husband probably isn't the demeanor change doc was talking about as a sign of true labor). Anyway, the thought of Scott as a new dad makes me excited and proud and I just can't wait to see him holding our new little daughter. HA! This is what we were laughing about... as he insists that it'll be our little son... We'll find out who's right at some point!
We also talked about how its been hard for him to concentrate at work... what with all the wondering about when we get to meet baby. I said something about how this upcoming week will probably be the worst... he replied that he will never be able to concentrate on work again! That made me laugh. He's gonna be such a good dad.
Today, he packed his bag for the hospital, vacuumed the stairs, dusted the ceiling fan in the baby's room, reorganized the closet (again), and crawled up into a storage space to clean it out. Apparently my husband has the nesting instinct as well. :)
The only thing he doesn't have is the desire to really understand what I'm going through physically, carrying this load around with me 24/7. I've told him over and over that I think he should strap a basketball to his belly and try to surf with it. He's never thought that was such a good idea.
But then low and behold, he got an email from his brother who just recently became a dad for the first time... Ah ha! His brother is showing him up in the empathy department!

Friday, October 24, 2008
Half Ripe
She recommended that I go for long walks. I asked if the 22 miles I've walked in the last 6 days counted for something?
Anyway, I read Gordo's Blog today where he talked about how fit his wife stayed through her pregnancy... that was all cool to read because I could relate in that I'm feeling like I was able to maintain some reasonable level of swimming fitness at least through these last 9 months... but then I made the mistake of continuing reading about her labor and delivery and now maybe I'm changing my mind about wanting to give birth? I like how Allison described hers instead. Quick and easy.
I wonder how I can order Allison's "quick and easy" rather than "watching young people die or seeing people being broken via torture", as Gordo described his wife's labor... Any tips???
Forget it. I changed my mind. I'll just stay pregnant forever.
My Friday Appointment
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Stretched Too Thin

NewBorn Care Class

Clearly, we needed some help.
We got to practice giving a baby a bath and of course changing a poopy diaper. It was too funny when Scott opened up the diaper on the doll baby to find a big gooey mess down there... but we learned that changing a diaper is really no big deal because the baby sits still and quiet the whole time no matter how long you take. And who knew that baby poop smells like chocolate frosting?
This is gonna be a cinch.
We also learned the five full-proof ways to calm a fussy baby. You see, babies have a 'calming reflex' so all you have to do is: 1) Swaddle them tightly, 2) hold them on their Side, 3) give a good Shhhhh, 4) Swing 'em around a bit, 5) and let 'em Suck. Works every time. Right, Kelley? ;)
Seriously though, I think some of the info in this class was great, and overall we both thought it was well worth our time. My only complaint is that the instructor is the most opinionated and judgemental woman either of us had ever met (the same self-proclained Birth Goddess who taught us the Birthing Basics Class last month). I understand that she teaches the teen pregnancy classes at Kailua High School, so she feels like she needs to impart all of her infallible wisdom on the naive kids who are having kids, but it seems to me that maybe her style should change a bit when she's working with a room full of educated adults.
I think I'm a pretty open-minded person and take pride in the fact that I will listen to many different view points (and make it a priority to search out such things), but that in the end I will make choices based on what makes most sense to me. And in all my recent research on methods of dealing with babies, I have found many differing (opposite?) approaches and philosophies. And some woman in particular seem to get so wrapped up in and convinced that their method is unequivocally the best and only way to do it...
I think anyone who proclaims to know it all is full of it.
Anyway, the Birth Goddess apparently plays some role at the hospital where I'll be delivering (not sure how exactly she participates?) but I told Scott that his job while we're there is going to be to keep this woman away from me.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Preparing To Run

4. I have started updating the music on my iPod. It's definitely time for new playlists that will keep me going!
5. I'm getting myself back into a routine of 'training', even if my 'training' right now involves walking rather than running. I've upped my daily walks from 30-40 minutes to 60-90 minutes and just have to believe that having my legs carry me on land 4-5 miles/day is better preparing me to run than not having them do that. My pace has picked up some now too, now that I am unencumbered by the dog who has a persistent need to stop and smell every blade of grass along the way... And of course I'm also secretly (or not so secretly since I'm announcing it here) hoping that one of these days during my walk I'll feel a spontaneous gush of water flow out of me and splash on the asphalt below... How cool would that be?? Unfortunately I think that only happens in the movies.
Regardless, I'm feeling ready, mentally and (almost) physically, to get back in the game.
*Repeat something often enough and eventually you will believe it!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
5 Minute Contractions
Tonight after dinner I sat down on the couch and just for kicks, started timing. 5 minutes apart. Like clockwork. For the whole hour that I counted.
I told Scott, who gets his hopes up every time I tell him that contractions are coming regularly.
He said, "Didn't the doctor tell you to call when they are 5 minutes apart?"
To which I replied, "Yes. But she also said that my demeanor would change and that I wouldn't be able to laugh."
Since we were watching The Daily Show and I was laughing hysterically, we guessed that we're not going to have our baby tonight. In fact, we may not have baby until after the election is over because I cannot imagine not laughing with Jon Stewart...
Too Much Of A Good Thing
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Weekend Update
It's kind of starting to feel like winter here on the Windward side of Oahu. Of course, our winters aren't quite like those on the mainland, but after almost 4 years here now, I can certainly sense the change. It's kind of nice, really. More dark, thick clouds, a little cooler and stronger wind, and just an overall sense of 'winter'. Hoku and I walked 4 hilly miles yesterday (and today too) and the cooler temps made it way more bearable, especially considering that all the sleeping in (and coffee in bed!) that Scott and I are doing these days causes the morning walks not to start until at least 9:00 AM.
Yesterday I met a couple of my old training buddies at the pool to swim*. It felt great to be social in my workouts a bit. One of the challenges of pregnancy workouts (for me) has been all the solitude. Since I feel like I just need to go my own cruisy pace all the time, it doesn't feel right to me to schedule workouts with others who are actually training b/c I can't push myself to keep up right now. Soon I will though. Soon. I like training with my friends. Much of my social outlet has to do with meeting my training partners for our weekly sessions so being a part of their lives again, even in a small way, lifted my spirits. :) Anyway, I got in 12,500 meters of swimming this week and am starting to have fleeting ambitions of attempting a long ocean swim race here in December. It's almost 4.5 miles and I did it 2 years ago which was the last time it was held. Of course it all depends on when baby decides to make his/her appearance, and what kind of delivery I have. So I haven't sent my entry in yet. But assuming baby comes in the next 2 weeks and I don't have to have a c-section, I think it may be reasonable for me to complete the event. I don't have any unrealistic expectations of being all speedy or anything, but I definitely think that it would be possible for me to finish without drowning, which would good since I'll have an infant waiting to be fed at the end. ;)
Anyway, in other weekend adventures, there's not much to report. Scott and I did make it to the beach today. At some point while sitting on the couch watching mindless and repetitive news stories on CNN, we looked at each other and thought we have to get out of here. So we took the mutt to the beach. She didn't care that it was cloudy and cold. She didn't even care that her mouth was always full of sand while trying to retrieve her tennis ball. It's the simple things that make her happy and watching her pure joy at playing in the waves is always a good reminder of how great we have it.
So obviously no baby appearances yet. I've been feeling especially crampy more often than ever, and the contractions continue, although not in any regular way. I promise I'll write at least a short blog to let you know when I'm on my way to the hospital, assuming at some point it feels like its time to go. So no news is, well, no news. Hopefully soon there will be news!
*In honor of the lack of sun and cooler winds, I actually wore a fleece to the pool and was glad I did b/c the water was quite a bit chillier and I found myself having flashbacks of shivering while swimming all winter last year! We are so spoiled here. Fleece b/c it was only like 74 degrees. HA!
Friday, October 17, 2008
What's Up, Doc?
I had never heard of 'effaced' or 'dilated' prior to being pregnant. But somehow now it's all I think about...
Of course I didn't get to hear that great news from doc today. In fact, it was the same as last week (1 cm, slightly effaced), which I really shouldn't be surprised about because it's pretty much the same story from just about everyone who's around my stage of pregnancy. Of course there are the lucky few who give hope to us all by going into healthy labor 3 weeks early, but for the majority of us 1st time moms, that's simply not the case. In fact, many 1st timers often go late, and end up being induced a week after their due date.
I'm still hoping that at some point soon all the contractions I'm having (and have had for months) will actually start proving themselves useful. Doc told me to do whatever I want and not worry about them coming, so you better bet that's what I've been doing. Not that it appears to be making a difference. I've been swimming 3000m 3-4x/week, water running 30-40 min 3-4x/week, walking Hoku 45 minutes just about every day, and hitting the elliptical at the gym at least once/week. Clearly, exercise has no bearing on effacement and dilation for me.
I do see a light at the end of the tunnel though. Doc said today that baby weighs just over 7 lbs! That means he/she has gained about 1.5 lbs since last week! (That made me feel better about being 2 lbs up myself.) Rachel also reminded me that I will not be pregnant forever, so I'm now chanting that as my mantra.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Yesterday's Hoax

Tomorrow at 8:23 am somebody will address you and tell you something you have been waiting to hear. Please send it to at least 7 of your friends.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Full Term!
When you're this big and pregnant, 3 weeks is an eternity.
I know I'm supposed to 'enjoy' this time... that advice coming from all those lucky ones who have their babies and aren't pregnant anymore. I've heard that I should savor my sleep and quiet time... take long showers... and get a pedicure. And sometimes I try to do that stuff. Like the other morning when Scott and I were all relaxed and drinking coffee in bed while watching the morning news... that was nice. That probably won't happen too often after I'm done giving birth. Partly because the baby will keep us quite occupied I'm sure, but partly because once I'm physically able, I'll be out the door running instead of relaxing in bed over coffee!!
Anyway, no real guesses on how much longer 'til we get to meet our little one. I keep hoping the time is coming soon though so I'm hyper-attentive to every little twinge I feel in my abdominal area. For the last several days I've felt lots of sharp pains in my pelvis, almost like my pelvis is unstable and ready to split itself apart. (Nice, huh?) It happens more when I'm on a long walk with Hoku, although I'll also feel it if I've been sitting for a while and then stand up and take a step. I googled 'pelvic pain at 37 weeks pregnant' and it sounds like its pretty common- a sign that baby's head is nestling down into my pelvis. That sounds like an encouraging sign! Anyone felt this before?
So we continue to hurry up and wait! Next MD appt is Friday and boy wouldn't it be nice to hear that progress is being made down there?
Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Uh, Ma'am, Please Come To Shore...

*In the lifeguard's defense, he was dealing with all sorts of safety issues today. There were many surfers trying to get to shore with what was left of their broken boards, and on my walk down the beach I saw a surfer come out looking like he was a cast member in a horror movie... blood dripping all down his face from a massive cut to his head. It wasn't pretty.

4. After that ordeal with cancer, I thought it high time I see the world. I was a teacher at the time so I applied to teach internationally. In 2000/2001 I taught 3rd grade at an International School in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was an incredible year. I had 19 kids from 10 different countries in my class and I swear I learned more from them that year than they did from me. I also got to travel around to a bunch of southeast Asian countries, a lot on my own, that year. Too many tales to tell here and now, but I follow Michele in Malaysia's blog because many of her stories feel so familiar to me!

Friday, October 10, 2008
This Time Last Year...

Of course I remember it so fondly now. Funny how our memories play funny tricks on us like that. Because the reality of it was that the swim start was a brutal boxing match, the wind totally sucked at Hawi, my legs started cramping much too early on during the bike, to the point where they completely seized up on me in the last few miles... I had to walk the whole (long!) transition area because a running step would have caused me to keel over. Running became possible for a few fleeting miles early on in the marathon but then I experienced a whole body meltdown due to nutritional/electrolyte imbalances, which forced me to walk most of the rest of the way... Walking such a distance provided me a long time to completely question my participation in this insane sport. And at the finish line, right before I was whisked away to the med tent, I specifically remember asking out loud through tears, "How many more times do I need to learn this lesson? Ironmans suck."
And yet, a year later, I would love to be there again. And I have no doubt that one day I will be.
Is this what childbirth is like? Terribly painful while you're going through it, but then somehow you manage to forget the reality of it and agree to do it again? Because right now I'm thinking that being pregnant isn't so much fun and I can't imagine myself purposefully doing it again.
I wonder how long it will take me to forget and want to repeat?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
External Version

Happy Birthday, Little Bro!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Flip, Baby, Flip!
I'll be going in to Kapiolani Women and Children's Hospital to have them manhandle my little bean, forcing him/her into a head-down position. Yesterday I went in so they could do a full ultrasound and check out the overall health of the baby as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. Apparently there has to be enough amniotic fluid to make it easy enough for baby to move around before they'll attempt to turn it. And apparently, I have plenty. :)
All the other ultrasound measurements they took were good as well. The tech said that baby weighs 5 lbs, 9 oz, has 10 fingers and 10 toes, and has hair! I kept hearing the nurses say things like 'cute baby' and 'perfect nose' and 'beautiful cervix' (mine, not baby's!)... With all those compliments I'm hoping baby's head doesn't swell up so much that it won't fit through my beautiful cervix.
There is an off-chance that I'll end up in an emergency c-section situation, although it's not likely. But they'll be monitoring the baby the whole time and if any complications arise it is possible that they'll whisk me away and cut the baby out. So it'll be another one of those "I wonder if I'm going to have my baby today" days. I'm going to try not to dwell on that, although I will be bringing my newly packed labor and delivery suitcase just in case. And the car seat is installed. And some friends have agreed to take care of the dog for us when the time comes...
Aloha Baby
I've spent a lot of time surfing websites looking for the right crib bedding and although I found some that seemed acceptable, nothing really blew me away and made me think, "That's it!" And crib bedding collections are way more expensive than you'd think... add shipping to Hawaii and you're looking at $400+ which just seems ridiculous to me.
But my baby is not going to sleep on a sheetless mattress, and I'm already feeling the pressure to be a good mommy and provide the cutest stuff for my kid, so I persevered with my search. Finally I found the "Aloha Baby Collection"... sweet! Totally unisex and decorated with palm trees and surf boards. That's perfect. I'll spend $$$ on that. Click to order. Add to basket. And then the notice appears:
Order cannot be processed. Item has been discontinued.
I checked several more websites and they all said they same thing... item unavailable. I was pretty bummed. Back to the drawing board.
I figured rather than spending all that extra money to have some random crib bedding that I didn't even like so much shipped here, that I would just go into town and shop around in person at the two baby stores we have here on Oahu. (We don't have Babies-R-Us which is a bummer.) Anyway, with some amount of ambivalence, I walked into the first store to check out what I knew would be a limited selection of stuff.
And then there it was. I spotted it immediately from across the room.
Me: (to store clerk): Is that the Aloha Baby Collection?
Clerk: Yes. Let me check though to see what we actually have in stock...
I waited, almost holding my breath, until she came back and told me they had 2 left. I'll take it! And just like that I plopped down my credit card and took those palm tree decorated sheets, bumpers and mobile home to my nest.

I also got the Aloha Shirt shaped diaper stacker...

And the cute Beach Baby hamper...

The nest is almost complete! And Mama Simmons is happy. :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ocean Running