No, I'm not getting pregnant again. (Sorry, mom.) But I have devised a way to gain 90 extra minutes of free time once a week... I'm tag teaming with my friend Rebecca who has a daughter who is 2 months older than Moana. We give each other 90 minutes of free time to do whatever we want while we watch each other's girls. Genius, really.

What would you do with 90 minutes of extra free time? Rebecca scheduled a massage. Doesn't that sound nice and relaxing?
Me? I chose to spend my time doing hill repeats on my bike. I realize some people would think I'm nuts for trying to kill myself during my free time, but it was so awesome. Riding. Outside. In the middle of the week. Bliss. My legs are appropriately wiped out now and I'm all satisfied. That must tell you something about the inner workings of my brain...
Anyway, I packed up Moana and all her stuff and my bike and all my stuff and headed over to Rebecca's house this morning. She lives close to some hills that are great for repeats, so I dropped Moana off and went for my ride. It was a perfect day and I was just loving it.
I returned in time to shower off and get final instructions on what to do with Solbee before Rebecca headed out for her massage. Tag Team.
It was cute to have the 2 babies together. Moana is 2 months younger than Solbee, but she weighs 2 lbs more. I always thought Moana was so little... I know so many of you moms out there have these huge boys and by comparison, Moana, at 14 lbs, isn't that big. But Solbee is a little Asian baby and at 5 1/2 months is just 12.5 lbs. She makes Moana look like a monster!

The greatest thing is that our girls are on somewhat opposite nap schedules, so for the most part they tag teamed their wake time. Perfect. When it was my turn to be in charge, I let Moana sleep in the stroller while I took Solbee for a walk to a nearby park. It was really fun to play with somebody else's baby for a change. I'm not afraid of babies anymore since I have my own now (believe me, prior to Moana I never would have volunteered to babysit an infant!) But seriously, what a good experience for me to get to spend some time learning about what 5 month olds do... i.e. they 'talk' a lot more... and put everything in their mouths...
Rebecca and I are going to continue our weekly trade-offs... so good for us in so many ways... even just to spend time with another mom learning her routines and what works/doesn't work, etc. The fact that I get to ride outside during the week now is purely a bonus! I'm going to be hunting around for others to tag team with. My neighbor is next on my list to schedule with...
Hey, that's a super idea!! I would have worked out during my 90 minutes too ;).
Oops I deleted my comment... I said...Yay I'm glad it worked out. Someday I'll get brave enough to do it with sara :)
I am so impressed you can handle 2 babies! What a great idea. I would have worked out too.
It's so nice to have someone you can do that with. Just during this week, I probably would have checked in to a hotel and slept.
That sounds like a fantastic idea!
What a great system! I'd be all over that message though. :o)
good idea...i'm going to try to start this! we go to a "playgroup" (gag) tomorrow so i can met some local moms.
That's awesome. Makes me wish I was living back in the city closer to my friends with babies. And I know what you mean, I am totally not afraid of babies now where as before Zach I just kind of looked at them and said "how cute" but I wouldn't touch them.
great idea! : )
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