Mama Simmons woke up this morning because
A) Moana was crying for food.
B) The roosters outside her window are really loud.
C) She had all sorts of anxiety about when Moana was going to start crying for food.
And the answer is... C. It's exciting stuff, really. For two nights in a row now (count 'em, TWO), Moana has gone to sleep by 9:00 and not woken up until 6! The crazy thing is, my body is programmed now to be up at all hours of the night, so I still woke up at 2:00, 4:00, and 5:30 just listening to see if I was missing anything in the other room. Instead of hearing Moana, I heard those roosters. Sometimes I think someone should take a gun to those roosters. But that's another blog.
Tonight I'm going to have to tell my brain that it's ok to just sleep right on through... the power of positive thinking... But then, of course, Moana will change her mind and want to get up again in the middle of the night and I'll be all irritated... Nah.
The other great thing is that once she's fed at 6, she goes right back to sleep until 9 or so. That gives me time to drink two shots of espresso, run to the pool, have a great workout with my training partners, run home, walk the dog, shower, get dressed, drink another cup of coffee, eat breakfast, and blog all before my cute little baby wakes up to start her day.
Life is good.
But wait! There's more! (Pause for effect...)
Yesterday afternoon we were playing on my bed upstairs when I heard it for the first time... a real belly laugh from Moana! It was the cutest thing ever! It caught me off guard but I laughed right back at her and then she laughed at me again and it was so cute that I started to cry and then she started to cry... The laughing was so much better than the crying so I'm gonna try not to cry if she does it again today.
In yet more good news, apparently the less interrupted nights are good for my training. Who knew? I had the best swim workout in a long time this morning. Our main set was:
500 @ 8:30 followed by 5 x 100's @ 1:45, twice through.
It's a long course meters pool. We cruised through the first 500 in 7:58, then held 1:31's for the 100's. Second time through we went 7:57 on the 500 and then bumped the interval for the 100's down to 1:40 and still held our 1:31's. I was tired at the end but felt great to hold the pace so consistently.
And in yet more good news? The faster I swim, the faster I run... my hip is all better today so I timed myself again on The Uphill Mile coming home from the pool. If you remember from before I was all psyched about my 7:15 and vowed to get under 7:00 one of these days... I let out a little yelp when I saw it. :)

everything does sound wonderful!!!
amazing job on the mile!! you are pretty much the definition of awesome... new baby and still getting all that training in!
Will you make me swim? I could do 100 lcm's on 1:40 about a year ago.. but ummm, well, I don't think I can do that anymore.
I haven't been on in way too long. Congrats on the half PR! And I CANNOT believe how big Moana is getting already! She reminds me a lot of Sky.. I have to find a baby pic :)
Dude!! Those are some nice workouts you're churning out.
That's amazing...great news on the sleeping and even better on the training! Congrats.
Isn't that cute little laugh so infectious? It makes the day brighter. I completely understand the happy crying!
Good times.
we have the sleep thing down...but now you're saying it's possible to get all that working out done in the MORNING? ok, i have work to do...
ahh...the power of sleep (and lots and lots of hard work out of mommy)!!
awww- how lucky are you! I hope that it keeps up! Glad the swimming is helping the hip and glad everything is going well!! yay!!
Isn't the laugh just the greatest thing? I make a fool of myself to get Zach to laugh.
Congrats on the 6:58!
Great sessions :) when everything's good in the world it's so much easier to push that bit harder, glad you're enjoying you're running too. Give a tiny thought to Tom & I this evening (no doubt am your time) it's snowing here in sunny England and the pavements are too treacherous to run on so tonight we have to do our scheduled 14 mile run on a treadmill :( :( :( good mental training though. Oh how I envy your picture postcard surroundings. You're also giving me heaps of inspiration to still get good training sessions in when we decide to do the kids thing, hopefully at the end of this year ;) keep up the great work ;) H
Nice job on the running. And sooo wonderful to hear about the belly laugh. I can't wait to hear something like that.
A rooster, seriously? You poor thing. I stayed one summer in a house that had a chicken coop, I almost killed that rooster. What a horrible way to wake up.
Wow, great trainings all around! Hopefully the sleeping schedule lasts forever and ever.
Well done!
I was a big happy crying during Elena's first 6 months or so of life.
Sounds like your training is going fantastic. I am getting back into it after the big move and it feels great.
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