At one point, I pulled her out of her chair and laid her on her back facing away from the TV. This proved to be frustrating for her... to the point where she was totally straining her head to see the TV...

It looked to me like she was awfully close to rolling herself over from back to tummy... which would be a first for her...

And wouldn't you know it? Inspired by Team Astana, Moana rolls over!

Daddy better be worried... she's drooling over Lance already...

So great that you were able to get pictures of her first roll! She looks pretty proud of herself.
get OUT of here. that is so fantastic! get her a bike now!! (maybe a drool cloth first ... don't want the bike to rust).
congrats on the rollover!!
She's strong like her mama!!! Baker can't hold his head up that high yet but he's *this close* to rolling over onto his belly.
That's awesome, congratulations. Must be those bright jerseys. Watch out now. Ryan used to roll everywhere to get around before he started crawling. She's almost mobile!
awww- that is soo adorable!!!
Moana is SO cute - congrats on her first step towards being a super triathlete like her mother!
That is so cute! I nearly did backflips watching them climb Palomar so I guess she and I have something in common!
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