My thoroughly spontaneous and unscientific training plan called for a bike/run brick today. Let's see... how to make that happen when you don't have anyone to help with your 3 month old? Here's how:
5:30 AM. Feed baby when she wakes up. She's so cute and appears to be all awake and aware at this early hour, so I let her stay up and play a little. I put her back down to finish her night's sleep at about 6:30.
By 7 I've eaten breakfast, had a cup of coffee, changed into my cycling gear, and am on my trainer. I do a real workout despite watching the Today show and the American Idol results from last night on Tivo.
Figuring Moana would be up again by 9 or so, I get off my bike by 8:30, dry off, change into my running clothes, and go into Moana's room to check on her status. She's awake and just hanging out in her crib talking it up with the stuffed dog I know I'm not supposed to leave in there but do anyway. She doesn't appear to be hungry, so we just hang out and play until she gives a signal that it's time to eat, which happens to be at about 9:45.
She gets fed and then we pick out an outfit for her to wear today. By the time we get downstairs to go for the run, it's 10:15. Clearly not breaking any T2 records here this morning.
And then there's those big sad brown eyes looking at me... somebody hasn't even been outside for a walk yet. Ugh. I load up Moana into the Baby Bjorn and we take Hoku for a walk.

It's during this time that I seriously start reconsidering the run today. It's all cloudy and windy and wet out. Even though it's not raining now it looks like the sky could open up at any minute. And now I'm hungry again. Since I've started training more lately my appetite is insatiable.
Maybe I'll skip the run today I'll do it tomorrow. My legs are tired enough from the trainer. That was good enough. I'll just shower and eat and be done with the training today. I've got some errands to run today anyway...
That was my evil twin. Of course I took Moana running. How could I not when I've got a cheerleader like this?

Anyway, total transition time today was 2 hours and 15 minutes. I'm not sure if I can still call it a brick with that long of a break between events, but that's as good as mama gets today.
you are amazing :)
how cute is she!!! love her little outfit :)
my t1s are more like 2 days, so i'm impressed.
Oh that is 100% a brick plus some! Seriously cool that you fit it all in - and CUTE outfit :)
Nice's perfect running weather...nice and cool. Sara and moana are twins today with their purple pants on :)
That totally counts as a brick. There was one day where I kept thinking Zach was going to take a nap and I could ride my trainer. I had my cycling shorts on for over 14 hours before he finally let me get my ride in. We SO aren't in charge anymore.
Your cheerleader is so cute!
My longest "T2" with the boys...5am bike, 6pm run.
Whatever works to get it in I suppose.
haha- great recap of the morning. love the little outfit!! that definitely counts as a brick! :)
I love the part about the dog in the crib. So cute.
You are so amazing. I can't even coordinate my schedule enough to get gas before I'm stranded on the side of the road with my gas light glaring at me.
LOL, that's an amazing T2 time with one that young in the house. Nice job.
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