Ok, I'll be honest. Mama wanted 20 minutes to relax on the couch with a bag of ice on her hip (too much running lately, she thinks)...
Anyway, I popped in the Ole MacDonald Had a Farm one, and guess who just loved it?

Moana was just totally cracking herself up while watching... during the Ole MacDonald sing-a-long she was kicking her feet so furiously that her whole bouncy seat was rocking up and down. Too cute. These DVD's are a gold mine.
Except now it's going to be imperative that I get my iPod working again, or I'm sure during my next run I'll be repeating something like, "With an oink oink here and an oink oink there, here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink..."
that is the cutest little laughing face ever :)
Ryan loved those things...maybe you should do the ones that are just classical music and movement. No risk of baby songs during runs then.
Hahhaha. Better get some music for that ipod! Moana looks so cute!!
I've never heard of them! I'll have to check them out and see if I have a musical baby, too!
Both the girls I babysat for loved their Baby Einsteins - but never to the extent that Moana seems to - she's so cute!! Hope your hip's feeling better. I had a foot issue late last year and the ice definitely helped - maybe a good massage?
I haven't heard of those either. They sound fantastic and they certainly appear to be Moana approved. David has some crazy notion that Zach won't watch TV but the poor kid loved watching the Superbowl.
So sweet!
Dang, that's a cute (and happy!) baby.
What a cute picture!
She's adorable! Hope the hip feels better soon!!
Ladies...as much as I find it "typical" both our boys LOVED sports center...I guess because of all the bright colors and flashing frames. So if you can't handle Baby Einstein, try ESPN. Haha.
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