This is my first Christmas as a wife. And a mom. Holy cow. I'm a mom. Tonight while I stayed up and finished wrapping the presents that Santa bought for Moana, I really felt like a mom. I thought about what it was probably like for my own mom to stay up late wrapping presents for my brother and me... funny how I never really thought about that... for 34 years... until just now. Thanks, mom.
Scott and I were talking last night about what we want Christmas to be for our family. It still seems weird to me that we are our own family. A little family. A new family. But our own family.
So what will our traditions be? We each shared stories about our Christmas mornings growing up... running in and jumping on mom and dad's bed to let them know that Santa had come... finding the half eaten carrots that had been left out for the reindeer... and whether or not we were allowed to open stockings before breakfast... the waffles for breakfast... or the quiche for brunch...
So this year, even while Moana is still too little to even know what the heck is going on, Scott and I will start our own traditions. I think the beach will be involved. I have a premonition (call it mother's intuition) that Santa might bring Moana something she can use at the beach. Maybe a couple of things.
It's really fun for me to think about what Christmas morning will be like for Moana growing up... and whether she knows it or not, our traditions start this year.
Ahh how sweet! It will be fun to form our own traditions. One of my fav traditions from growing up was that my dad would always let us pick 1 gift from under the tree on Xmas eve to open. It totally took the Xmas edge off :) and was such a big decision as to which to choose. Some years you lucked out and got a game, others it was just gloves! I totally plan to do that with our kids and to make stockings a big deal, my mom always did, she stuffed them full of great stuff.
fun...and how different christmas in hawaii will be than christmas in ohio!
That is really cute!!! I love your ideas of traditions especially since it includes a beach.
We had the half eaten carrots as well. I love Christmas traditions.
Does Santa deliver gifts on a surfboard in Hawaii since I can't imagine you guys have much use for chimneys.
have a wonderful first christmas as a mom and wife!!! so exciting :)
Merry Christmas! I think the beach sounds great. Way better than snow!
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