Moana is 6 weeks old today! I can't believe that 6 weeks ago I looked like this.

And then our precious little Moana came out.

And now 6 weeks later we have the much more animated version!

Moana has grown a ton (obviously) and we've learned so much about her. Her needs are still pretty simple. Pretty much still just eat, sleep, and poop. She's on a pretty consistent (like you could set your watch by it) 3 hour eating plan, which is the schedule she comes up with for herself. Personally, I think it would be cool if she adjusted it to the 4 hour (or 8 hour) plan overnight, but she's not so concerned with my preferences at this point! The good news is that I have won at least one battle. She goes down for the night now around 7:00 in her own room. She wakes up to eat at 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, and 5:00, sleeping soundly (if loud grunting counts as soundly?) between each of those feedings. She wakes up for the day around 7:00 or so. So although our sleep is very interrupted, at least we're getting some. Scott takes the 5:00 AM feeding so I get one stretch that's usually pretty close to 4 hours. How do we know when she wants to eat? She tells us.

She's much more alert through the day now and spends lots of time checking things out. We've given her some self-explanatory nicknames like Super Squirm, Fussy Pants, Chow Hound, and Wide Eyes. She stares much more intently at me now, usually making lots of funny faces with her eyes and her mouth. She's a huge fan of being outside. We're still waiting for that first real smile...we get little glimpses of it but not quite the real thing yet. I'd think that would come soon? I can't wait! In the meantime though, she has learned some tricks. And since I understand that The Laundry Fairy is going into withdrawal from not being around her little grand baby, here's some video Scott took this morning before he went to work. You'll see her current version of sitting up, then she'll do The Aided Scoot, then The Six Week Stand/Walk. She's tenacious and persistent in her efforts! I wonder where she gets that?
Here's another video for the grandparents. She walks a little more here!
I feel pretty well recovered from childbirth, which I suppose is obvious if you've been reading my blog! I'm not quite back to pre-pregnancy weight yet, but the weight I'm at now is fine and very healthy. I fit into all my clothes so am not worried about it at all. By the time I start racing in the spring I'd think I'll have those extra 5 lbs off which puts me at race weight. No need to be at race weight in December. :) My abs are still softer than I'd like, but I'm working on them and they're getting firmer every week so again, no worries. In good news, all the books would say that since I'm 6 weeks out, I should now be able to start back on a light exercise program. ;) That just makes me laugh.
Sooo cute!!! It is inspiring and hopeful to read your fitness level!!! Now if only I can get my little person to come a little bit early so I have a few more weeks to prepare to run Boston!!
so good to hear that 6 weeks sounds way too long to wait to work out again (as if a 7k swim isn't evidence of that...). the bad news is that officially 6 weeks is all the paid time off i'll get...i'll stretch it, but MAN that went FAST for moana!! and still so little (if strong!).
Daddy is so proud of his girls!! ;)
You really do make it sound so easy! :o)
She will be smiling for real soon. And I love the hairline. Glad you have embraced your "light" exercise program.
Haha. Those books make me laugh too. When I went for my 6-week check up last week, the doc said, "Well, you're all cleared to work out!" I responded with, "Too bad I already started almost 6 weeks ago!" She laughed when I told her how much I was running (she's a runner as well).
Moana is a cutiepie! And her mom is a stud.
She is such a cutie! Glad to hear that 6 weeks out has been long enough to feel fully healed. Here's hoping I can follow in your footsteps!
Oh Moana's going to be an early crawler for sure! And, yes, the smiles will come soon. You'll MELT. :)
I envy you being so close to race weight already!
Oh gosh, you're such a stud! I'll be lucky if six months postpatrum I can even do the aided scoot as well as Moana does now!
There's something so comforting about hearing that they just eat sleep and poop in the beginning. Of all the childcare information I've read lately, that's the only thing that made me think, "Oh, I can handle that." Thanks for the useful perspective!
Almost as inspiring as watching people crawl to an Ironman finish
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