At almost 2 weeks old now, Moana got to go to the beach today!
I don't think she knew she was there because she didn't really open her eyes at all (that car seat in the BOB stroller is like a sleeping pill), but it was fun anyway. She was a totaly angel the whole day!

I actually met a couple of my friends/training partners down at the beach for a swim today... the old standby 'Duke's Swim' that I used to do religiously every Sunday with the gang (I missed you, Ellen! And Dana!). We start at Kaimana beach, swim out about a 1/2 mile, then head over toward Dukes on a one way route. Not sure exactly how long the swim is, and it varies depending on how far out we go and how the currents are treating us. Typically 55-65 minutes... I hadn't done this swim since... I can't remember? Maybe April? I missed it SO MUCH and couldn't wait to do it again. It was pure bliss today! Even though it was windy and kind of choppy, I felt awesome and was just thrilled to be out there. The water was warm if it wasn't crystal clear, and I continue to be pleasantly surprised at my fitness level. I'm not nearly as slow as I expected to be. :)
We end the one-way swim at Duke's, which is a popular hotel/restuarant/bar in Waikiki. We sit in the hot tub there and catch up on all the latest happenings in each other's lives... lots of interesting news today! Holy moly I've been out of the scene for quite some time and it felt good to hang with my pals again and be social.
My mom kept Moana while we were swimming and walked her down to Dukes where we all sat and had lunch and a beer. Life doesn't get much better than that, folks. ;)

And now that I have some confidence in my post-partum swimming ability, I'll be sending in my entry this week for the Waikiki Double Roughwater Swim on Dec 7. It's basically the swim we did today, but rather than stopping, we'll turn around and swim back. I think the race is like 4.5 miles or something like that. So I've got 4 more weeks to work up my mileage so I won't drown on the way back! :)
Any local friends out there wanna volunteer to babysit an angel baby for a few hours on a Sunday morning at the beach on December 7? ;)
Your arms look diesel!! I can't wait to get out there and start exercisizing again!
What a great day! I was also pleasantly surprised by my swim fitness. Who knew the absence of the belly could make such a huge difference?
yeah! that is awsome michelle...the dukes swim 2 weeks with a baby at the end...i can't wait to that with you as well...and scott will be there with moana!
That sounds amazing! What a great swim! You look amazing too, I agree with IVF - diesel!!! Way to go signing up for that race! You're doing great!
the first thing i noticed too was your arms! and shoulders! i guess the belly eclipsed them before! ok, with the swimming thing...especially in the pool...no problems with that if you're still bleeding (which i've heard can last for weeks but i'm hoping not)? and 4.5 miles...i wish i was more comfy in the water!
After my freak pelvic sfx, I did have a bone density test (my doctor is amazing) and it's normal. Slightly low in the spine, but every so slightly. Also, if I took meds for it I couldn't have children, so no mama FrayedLaces in the future!
Thankfully its just tendonitis (I think).
I would so offer to babysit, but I'll be in Vegas. Anytime you need a sitter, give me a shout!
And you look friggin amazing my dear.
Oh yes I will come babysit, but you have to fly me in from Ohio :)
Oh you said local...
What a little cutie! Have fun training!
hey girl! we talked to sarah yesterday, and she will be there. she said she would babysit and i can most likely be there too to help out if i'm not paddling!
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