But it did get me thinking, and I did go online to check out and see if there were any 70.3 races on the west coast this summer that weren't sold out already. Hmmmm.... there was one. August might not be a bad time for another 70.3... But no, it doesn't make sense for me to do that.
So then I called Jenny to see how she was healing up after her big crash at Honu. She said her coach told her that she needed to enter another 70.3 so she had a goal for the summer. She found one. On the west coast. In August.
And from there, the idea took on a life of its own. Before you know it, the Girl's Trip was born! Jenny and I both bought plane tickets and reserved our hotel room and mailed in our entries for Lake Steven 70.3!

We are both so lucky to have husbands who are so awesome and supportive. And willing to take on the challenge of handling their young daughters all by themselves for the whole long weekend.
Life is definitely different when you have a husband and a baby. A couple of years ago I wouldn't have thought twice before sending an entry in to a race I wanted to do. Didn't have to ask anyone. Didn't worry about how my decisions would affect anyone else... I had a great job that paid me well and I didn't fret (too much) about spending $1000 here or there on something I wanted.
But there's a trade-off when you're a stay at home mom. While I love love love being able to play with Moana every day and take her to the beach whenever I want, I do feel way more restricted, especially when it comes to spending money frivolously on myself. As a one income family, I don't feel bad buying clothes and toys for Moana, and I don't even feel too bad about buying new swimsuits or running shoes for myself. I do, however, feel bad about spending money on races that are purely selfish and just for my own fun. I mean, I have plenty of my own fun every day with Moana. Do I really need more?
The answer is no. But that's what makes it so nice when Scott says, "Go. Have your girl's weekend away. Enjoy yourself! Moana and I will be fine." Love him.
So Jenny and I get to go race together in Washington. I'm so psyched! And then I found out that Marit is going to be there too! How fun to meet her too (though I already feel like I know her from her blog)... anyone else IN?
You'll love this race! This will be my 3rd year (depending if I snag a slot to IM Canada in July). The lake is warm, the weather should be perfect, the bike is challenging (but nothing terrible) and the run is fun as you come back into town and run next to the cheering crowds 4x! Let me know if you have any questions!
Have fun...sounds like a great weekend.
I was trying to justify a trip (in my head) to Hawaii to race the 70.3 next year. The cons won though. :(
Sounds like a fantastic weekend. Those mainland girls won't know what hit 'em!
What an awesome husband you have! Have a fun race weekend. It is funny that mention money and triathlon racing because the other day when my hip hurt walking 5 miles I was so irritated about having spent all this money on a race that I might not even been able to do. It is just money, but I hate to ever feel like I am wasting it especially on something frivolous.
I think spending money on races is not selfish. Racing is such a big part of you, that you would probably not be as happy without being able to race. I am glad your husband understands. As a mom who had to work FT while my husband stayed home during our son's first year, I really appreciated having him all to myself for extended periods of time, while my husband appreciated time away to play tennis and train. Races are expensive, particularly when you add travel and hotels, but you absolutely deserve it and I am sure you would not have any objection had the roles been reversed. Enjoy!!! Ana-Maria
you deserve it and, i think i've commented this before, but i think your husband is pretty awesome! i'm hoping to get a night away to do a sprint tri in philly in august...and my first girls night in 6 months tomorrow night! glad you signed up for the race!!
That's awesome!! :)
How great!!! Sounds like so much fun! I agree with other comments - it's really important to figure out what you like and find time to do it with everything else that's going on. You already do that and obviously it makes you a great mother - so this is just another way of being that person! :)
Have fun! sounds like you have an awesome supportive husband!
Well - I'm SUPER excited to meet you too! And yeah, I feel like I know you too :)
About the race justification stuff - I understand those feeling as well. But this sport is a part of what makes you YOU - it makes you a happier, healthier, more well rounded person. It is GOOD to treat yourself! Way to have a super supportive family support - YES!
Cool. Sounds like your season has really shaped up. And it is so nice to have somebody that understands, supports and is there to help.
That sounds like it's going to be an awesome weekend of fun with a triathlon thrown in!
I am not in on this one, but you girls will have a blast!! Very excited for you :)
Oh fun!!! You will have so much fun and go very, very fast! That husband of yours is a keeper! (I have one just like him :)
I think your fine man deserves a party (or something) for being a GREAT DAD this Sunday!
It's not selfish to want more fun.
It's human.
And you work hard, and you deserve it. And you have an awesome husband, who is really lucky he gets to have some private daughter/dad time. That is a gift to him.
Don't forget it.
And have fun at the race! Yeah!
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