Now I'm laughing inside about what a great life Moana has too. And she really has no idea how good she has it, because this is all she's ever known. She might grown up thinking all trees have orange and green bark.

Too bad she won't remember all this when she's older, because if she did remember these days, she wouldn't come back later on (when she's an adult) and blame all her problems on me*. ;)
Today I took Moana over to the pool in our condo complex. She's totally loving her floaty toy.

All I can say is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At 7 months, Moana has started water running.
After all that fun, we came inside and had more fun... in the bathtub... my real motive was the wash the sunscreen and chlorine off her, but as far as she knew it was just more water playtime.

Eventually she started eating Winnie the Pooh, so I figured maybe it was time to come down and have lunch.

Moana is eating like a queen these days. Well, if queens eat pureed peas and green beans with homemade brown rice cereal, that is. I made these veggie cubes and put 'em in the freezer, so meals for her are super easy to prepare.

I just thaw out a cube in the microwave and then mix it with some brown rice cereal that I pre-made and stored in the fridge and Wa-La! Lunch! And she really likes it too. Almost all of it goes in her mouth and down the hatch, which is a heck of a lot easier than out her mouth and on the floor.

All that excitement is plenty to wear a baby out. She's out cold in her crib right now. Which means it's time for me to clean the floors (again), fold the laundry (does that ever end?), unload the dishwasher, empty the cat box... and if there's time before the little one wakes up, take a shower. Ahhh, I have it so good.
*Ok, when she's old she might blame her wrinkled leather skin on me. I swear, I put waterproof SPF 55 sunscreen on her every time we go to the pool or beach, but I guess when you go pool/beach 5x/week in the summer in Hawaii, you're destined to get a bit of sun. Baby's got a farmer's tan already at 7 months. Sorry, Moana.
she is just too adorable :) you guys do have it very good but its very deserved!! so happy for you!
Oh my goodness, look at all that HAIR! she has! So many pictures with her hat on but with it wet you really get to see that head of hair she is working on - precious!
Just wait till she wants to feed'll be amazed at how much ends up in her diaper, hair, nose, chair, on the floor, on windows...and if you had a dog, how much of it would they share? Brayden gets about 30% and he gives the other 70% to the dog.
i want trees with orange and green bark! i make andra's food (we just started)'s so fun!
That video was adorable! SHe is soo cute!!! Do you think you'll stay there forever? I think I would. SHe does have it so good! Enjoy!
Oh ps - you'll have to share how to make the homemade brown rice cereal too.
Oh. My. Gosh. She's just adorable - and you've already got a runner on your hands! :) Great idea with the ice cube trays... I will tuck that one away for some day....
She's such a cutie. And you are like Martha Stewart mom - poor Zach is getting Gerber crap and whatever is on my plate that is safe to eat.
DC Running Mama and I were talking about how jealous we are of you and Kelly in Hawaii. Now I am jealous of Moana as well.
I love those trees! They remind me of home. How cute is that video?? Watch out when she starts walking and talking - you're not going to be able to keep her out of the water!!
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