Moana had kind of a big weekend... going out to a party on Saturday night and staying out wild and crazy late (she didn't get to bed until 8:00!! And without a bath! Oh my!) Then she went to watch her daddy's soccer game on Sunday morning... then yet another little social get together on Sunday night which once again kept her up past her normal bedtime. I did force the bath on her Sunday night because it was necessary, but luckily she was asleep within 3 seconds of hitting her crib. So much for the 'an overtired baby won't sleep' theory.
Two 'late' nights in a row just about threw me over the edge because I was petrified that she was going to be all off on her schedule and stop sleeping like such a champ, but apparently late nights have the opposite effect on Moana. In fact, it seems that her instincts allow her to play catch up and sleep even more in the next days.
Yesterday Moana was playing in her jumperoo. I planned on putting her down for her nap at 12:30... at 12:25 I noticed that the jumperoo was quiet... no monkey sounds like normal when she's bouncing up and down... and I look over and find her like this. Yes, my baby fell asleep while in the jumperoo.
Too sweet.
That is awesome...and much like a dog...let a sleeping baby lie.
Ryan has actually fallen asleep eating dinner before, mid chew. It was the craziest thing. We didn't even realize he was that tired. One minute he's laughing, drinking, chewing...and literally in mid sentence with a mouth full of green beans, his eyes close, head drops and he's OUT.
awww. That is adorable! I haven't had the overtired rule yet, and he started sleeping great!
That's cute, but seriously, hell will freeze over before that happens here.
Aww, too cute. :o)
OMG!!! I second what angela (Kidd) said ;) No but seriously that picture is priceless!
I have one of those babies here too (still asleep 12 hours after he was put down). I haven't found the "overtired baby won't sleep" theory to be true either. But I try not to talk too much about Baker's good sleep for fear of the dreaded "sleep goes to crap at 6 months" like some of my friends have experienced.
That never would have happened with Elena either!!! Seriously, never. It is so funny how babies can be so different.
andra just took her usual 10 minute nap. i told her i'm not talking to her for the next half hour. she's having a very cute one-sided conversation instead of sleeping...
I have no babies (yet), but can tell you that my older niece (now 5) never resisted sleep or naps (and still takes them after school!) while her younger sister (now 3) did not like to sleep (could never get her down for more than hour at a time) and even now only naps for half an hour at the most. She definitely gets over-tired often and that usually results in meltdown mode. However the older one doesn't go to bed until 9pm each night (much to my MIL's horror) so that might explain the need for the occasional nap.
The photo of Moana is priceless! I love watching babies fall asleep while they're trying to fight it - when the swaying kicks in you know they're almost there!
I wish I could fall asleep that easily!
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