Jen gave me a hard time a couple weeks ago when I mentioned something about putting socks on in transition of that little sprint triathlon. I hate being made fun of. So today, no socks.
But you know what? There's a reason why people wear socks in triathlons in Hawaii. Can you guess what it is?
How about SANDY FEET?
And do you know what little grains of sand do to tender wet feet when running for 27 minutes? Rub them raw. That's what they do.
So I've got raw feet. But you know what? I didn't get smoked in transitions today. :)
It was another stunning and perfect day in Kailua. Which in a tiny little way bummed me out. Because we've been ocean training in Small Craft Advisory conditions out there for the last couple of months, and conditions like that = advantage: swimmer. Skinny little runners get tossed around a lot in chop and surf, and since every other piece of this race was favorable to runners, I just wanted one little thing in my favor. I can swim in chop. But alas, it was like a warm smooth lake in there today. At least the swim wasn't short like in years past.
Gun went off and it was full on sprint. I'd heard that Katherine Nichols had gotten fast in the water. Rumor is true. I was red lining the whole way to stay on her feet. All 9 minutes of the swim.
Run up the sandy beach to our bikes... heart feels like it might just pop out of my chest because it is beating so hard... and while my transitions were better this week, I still suffer some when there's a long run involved in the transfer from sport to sport. My point here is that Kathryn was out of sight by the time I started pedaling. She went on to win the whole thing so I didn't feel so bad.
I managed to ride the first half with Rachel in sight... even climbed the hill to the turn around with her. But then at the top I swear my legs were completely numb. I just wanted like 2 seconds to take a deep breath. I got my breath in as we were u-turning... but then Rachel was GONE down the hill. I actually felt a slight sigh of relief and just rode back at my own hard pace rather than Rachel's hard pace. Mine is easier.
Run shoes on. My poor heart had been beating about as fast as it could go for almost 40 minutes already and now I was supposed to run 3.75 miles as hard as I could. Hmmm.
I tried. I really did. And now looking back at the splits, you'd think that ticking off 7:20's in that scenario wasn't so bad. But you know what? Oahu is full of very fast runners. Seemed like everyone and their little brothers were running by me the whole time. That is so frustrating. I started the run as the 3rd woman and finished it 8th. Apparently I need to be running 6:30's to not get crushed in sprint races around here.
I won my age group though, so that was cool. The prize was a t-shirt from a 5K race from last year that I didn't do. Sweet.

Here's a picture of our Pacific Velo Tri-Team. We swept 1st place in W35-39, W40-44, M35-39, M40-44, and M45-49. Would have had M30-34 as well, but Tai got 3rd overall. This is a fast group! They're the same ones who drag me around the island every Saturday.

Anyway, onward and upward. That's the last sprint tri i'll do this year. Phew! I'm looking forward to the longer stuff now. 6 weeks until Hawaii 70.3. I just got my schedule from Jen for this week. It's a big one and it involves taking my bike to the track for bike/run intervals at race pace. I've never done that before. Should be interesting!
haha!! i LOVE doing the bike/track thing. people look at you like you're nuts, but also with a bit of awe. VERY bad ass.
congratulations on your win. i now know the ONE bad thing about living in hawaii ... super fast female racers!
I still have my bike in the back of my car from Jen's bike at the track intervals on Saturday. Ooof. Have fun with that one. :)
Great race! You certainly earned that "prize". :o)
Nice job Michelle! Ryan won the Dash n Splash a few years back and got a size small t-shirt for a prize...don't you just love that!
Great race report :) awesome job you did, as an endurance athlete the sprints are the toughest but it sounds like once you hit the long stuff you come into your own..they're in your world then hey!!! Got any good tips for sea swimming (can't think of a better placed person to be asking!!!) IM Lanza is in the sea and where I am there is no sea practice to be had, only 25 metres of pool :( I'm an okay swimmer, I did 57 mins (in a calm lake) for IM Germany but I feel a little more anxious about this one with it being in the sea.... all advice greatly appreciated :) Well done in your race again... the season is fast approaching!
Awesome job. It's encouraging to know that you started third on the run, right? I mean that's why you got Jen was to help and I'm sure it'll pay off!
Congrats again.
Nice racing and way to take the age group win! How do you look so great in your post race pic with your medal? After racing I feel like I am so disheveled and puffy. Also, that new pic on the top of your blog is just beautiful of you and Moana.
Congratulations on your win!!! Awesome job! Even more impressive with all your fast peers out there!
Congrats Michelle! That run will come around no worries! The 70.3 is going to feel good too after crazy sprint tris where your HR is 190 the whole time!! :) Congrats to your awesome team too!
Congratulations on a GREAT race...woo hoo on the transitions! Sorry about the sand... for the short course stuff, I'll body glide my feet AND body glide my shoes...less blisters that way. But there's not much you can do about that sand... :) I hear you on the rough water conditions - bring it! :) :) :) Aaahhh - the bike trainer on the track workouts...painful, yes. But absolutely fantastic at the same time. You'll enjoy!!
I LOVE this RR! And, you DID just great at your race and very BAD ASS racing w/o socks (for a short short sprint!)....THe pics are amazing and i love the new one of you and Moana! Super fast - it is coming for sure!!
Congrats. Love the shirt as a prize. I wear socks as well. Looks like I'll be getting made fun of. I haven't had to take my bike to the track. Maybe because we haven't had the weather for it.
Michelle - amazing work on the sprint! Just had to say that I love the new pic of you and Moana - gorgeous! And makes me even more jealous of all that yummy weather!! :)
Great job!! You look great in the pic - such a cute mom! You rock.
Good job!! And, BTW--LOVE the new picture of you and Moana! Blueberry banana pancakes (with a little cinnamon) are the BEST!
Nice sprint tri award! One time last summer my award was a medal from the previous year's race. :) Funny.
Oh ho ho, I KNOW that pain of running without socks...I never told Amanda Lovato (my coach) that I was going to do this, but one day I had a six mile run, so I decided to just do it without socks....I ended up limping home, for miles, it was BAD! Since then, anything above a sprint, I wear socks. Good on you for testing it out!!
You are in FULL force Mama! Your season is off to a rocking start!!! Moana is proud!!
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