I'll admit I was feeling a bit guilty yesterday as I was getting Moana and I set up at the beach. Just a little bit.

Moana got to hang out in her shady tent while I hung out reading my new Outside Magazine (tough life, I know). I was all interested in Lance's comeback this year but then when I found out that his girlfriend is pregnant and will be giving birth in June, I had a whole new perspective on the situation. Is he going to miss his 4th child's entrance into the world? Or will he take his girlfriend to France? Even if he does, she'll be entirely on her own with a newborn for the first month of his/her life while daddy is riding his bike. Something about that just doesn't sit well with me... I know this perspective of mine is different from what it would have been had I not just given birth. I can't even imagine how pissed off I would have been at Scott if he went off on a month long surf trip right after Moana was born... leaving me on my own to do it all? I don't think so. Of course, he wouldn't have done that. Ok, enough ranting. This post isn't really about Lance and his fathering skills.
It's not even about the lady who was swimming at Kailua Beach yesterday with her dogs in tow...

You can't see it in this picture because my iPhone doesn't have a zoom, but there's a lady out there swimming with her 3 dogs... one paddling along right beside her, and 2 that she's pulling on a boogie board. That's how they do it here in Hawaii...
But I know all of you Eskimos who can't spit without it freezing before it hits the ground are not really thrilled to see those pictures of the sunny beach in Hawaii, so here's another one for you. This was what I faced driving home from my haircut today.

There's a crazy storm blowing through... bringing 60 mph winds with it. Those are the kind of winds that knock down trees and power lines... the kind that rip the roof off your house. Guess Moana and I aren't running with the baby jogger today. Run streak over. Who's feeling sorry for me?
Rain or no rain...I still think you won the location lottery.
Haha, I don't think anyone feels too bad. I don't like Lance. That is ridiculous. Did he have 2 with his first wife than 2 without being married with 2 other people? Horrible.
Looks peaceful there on the beach!
I am SO not feeling sorry for you. The fact that you can take that picture with your iPhone while the boogers in my nose freeze as soon as I get out of the car is just not fair. If any flights were actually leaving Chicago now I'd consider getting on one to Hawaii right now.
Our weather and your weather seems pretty similar (although we are in the middle of summer).
Sunshine one minute, down pours and gale force winds the next! Totally unreal.
That is a great tent. Moana looks so cozy in it. It is 12 degrees in NC this morning so Elena and I will be skipping our baby jogger run, too.
definitely no sympathy...why'd you let a little rain stop your streak?!
For the record, I remember those Ohio winters too....how soon can I make it back to Hawaii?! How many days in a row did you make it running?
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