Last week I came home from a run with Moana and saw one of the condo maintenance workers smoking a cigarette near my car (where I store the jogger). Normally I would have just held my breath and let it go, but since I had Moana with me, I actually asked the guy to move it on up the hill. I think I was nice enough about it (explaining to him that there are 5 babies in our building and surely no one really wants their newborn inhaling second hand smoke.) He seemed to understand my concern- went up the hill to finish smoking and then came back to laugh and chat about how his wife won't let him smoke in their house or hold their little son until he washes his hands after he smokes. Ha ha.
What? He has a kid and still smokes? I guess everyone's perspectives don't change...

Last night I was reminded about a website called Family WatchDog where you can do a search for registered sex offenders in your area. I remember seeing this website a few years back... did the search just for the heck of it but didn't think much of it. But when I checked it again last night from behind my new mommy glasses, I felt just completely sick to my stomach. Have you seen this site? Put your zip code in and it comes up with all the registered offenders in your area. There are 67 in my town. 67! Oh my gosh. And it gets worse. Click on any of the dots and a picture of the offender comes up and you're told what he was convicted of. I literally thought I was going to throw up looking at this.
I guess it's good that as moms we have this new need to protect like never before... helps ensure the safety of our little ones... I just think it's incredible for me to notice the change in myself over the last few months.
That's really scary! And also the smoke is ridiculous. It should be banned everywhere. I am like that already with being close to it so I don't breathe it in and it gets to the baby!
Those are some good mama instincts. Hang onto those. :o)
I went through the same changes once Elena was born and also looked up sex offenders in my area and felt physically ill. Glad to hear that most new moms are like this.
Thanks, now I have spent way too long on that website. Good god there are a lot of sex offenders in Cleveland! Luckily only 1 or 2 in walking distance from my house. I think I'll print their pictures out!
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