I also had an opportunity to meet one of my local athletes at a pool (not our normal pool- his pool that is on a military base where they don't have a fit if someone stands on deck and watches/corrects your stroke)... and I have to say... I'm AMAZED at how much he has corrected his stroke since last time we did this. 100% different. You know, for most people, changing swim stroke technique is really hard and takes a ton of time and patience. But Andrew has really done an amazing job. And in the process, he has chopped 40 SECONDS off his 100M swim time. I video taped him again so he could see the changes for himself and he is pumped.
It was a good day to be a coach.
This morning I met my swim buddies at the beach and we did a great ocean swim. It was nice to not worry about being yelled at by the lifeguards for breaking any ridiculous rules. And it was a beautiful day at the beach. The only problem was that the Portuguese Man-o-war were out in full force. Seems like every time we stopped to regroup somebody else had a story about getting wrapped in long stingy tentacles. 4 of the 6 of us got wrapped... 45 minutes in, when I was still one of two had not been hit, I suggested we end the swim early since we're racing tomorrow and all... though really, it was not because of the race. I wanted to get out of the water before pushing my luck any further with the stingy tentacles. Though seriously, I'd rather face the stingy tentacles than the crazed lifeguards with all their crazed pool rules.

Tomorrow morning is the last of the north shore swim series races. I can't believe the series is (will be) over already?!? I am really looking forward to swimming tomorrow though. This point to point course is my favorite of the 4 swims (it's also the longest at 2.3 miles). No buoys except for one to mark the start and the finish... strategy is to find the best current and flow with it. Usually that means hugging those rocks. It's a game of How close can you get to the rocks without hitting them?

Scott and Moana are going to come watch and then straight from the beach we are going to the airport to get on a plane and fly to Moloka'i! That Moloka'i Mountain Run is on Sunday... I got an email the other day that said it was only 8 miles, all trails, with 4000 feet of climbing. Ok. First it was advertised as a 16 mile run. Then I heard 12ish. Now 8? I have to say, I was a little disappointed- mostly because if I'm going to climb 4,000 feet I think it would be much easier to spread that out over 12 miles than to do it in just 8. I mean, 4,000 feet in 8 miles? That must seriously be like a WALL. Ouch. But if they are as wrong about the elevation as they were about the mileage initially, maybe it'll actually be super tame and only like 1200 feet at the top. Lol. Wishful thinking I'm sure.
I found this photo online... 8 miles of this? Oh boy...

I'll try to get some more good pictures for you on Sunday. I've heard the view from the top is stunning on a clear day.
Regardless of the crazy run, I think it'll be fun to hang out and relax on Moloka'i for a few days. We're staying at the Coffees of Hawaii plantation house and have no plans other than to chill out and sight see in the wilderness. But before that happens, I need to make a list and start packing. We'll have to be packed up and ready to go tonight before we go to bed so we can leave right after the race tomorrow... I must be in denial about all I have to pack for Moana, because I'm not really worried about it. That, or I just haven't had time to think about it yet.
Oh, and since some of you have asked for more Moana updates, here's one from yesterday... we were over at our neighbor's house hanging out. Moana's little boyfriend there is 6 months older and he loves her. It's really cute. Anyway, Nico was showing off and jamming to his play electric guitar (it plays music if you push the right buttons) and Moana joined in and totally started dancing. Erica and I were just laughing and watching the cuteness and Nico pipes in and says with a giant grin, "I make Moana happy." That pretty much melted his mom's heart.
Ok. Have a great weekend and I'll be back early next week with updates on the weekend! :))))
4000ft in 8 miles? can you take your own ladder along? sounds like it'll be a challenging race - have a great weekend in the water and on land!
Woot! I made your blog! :)
Good luck with the swim and run! Is it wrong that I really want you to win the swim? I really do!
Thanks much for all your keen training related comments on my blog!
See that melted thing on the floor? That's my heart - just too cute! :) I love when little kids just manage to make everything so simple. Hope you had fun at the race!
I'm not a triathlete, I'm a flamenco dancer! But I feel the same focus and physical demands as an athlete. And I'm pregnant (first trimestre)! Was googling mama athletes last night for inspiration and found you. Woke up this morning full of more energy then I've had in the last two months. I needed to connect with the world of focused/determined/physically driven mothers and see how well that could go...THANK YOU for your power and radiance, I will keep reading your blog to remember the possibility of athleticism and motherhood...
okay, so i am finally catching up on reading blogs after just over two weeks without internet. apparently, i've missed a lot ;) cause some things showed up on google reader that are no longer on your blog. lol. i say f*ck the haters. it really is hard to try and do EVERYTHING and have somewhat of a balanced life. and just so you know, i do have a cleaner that comes in about every three weeks during the race season, and especially when i'm getting ready for an ironman and you won't catch me apologizing at it. the woman is a professional and she can do in two hours what it would take me about 10+ hours to do. we are far from being rich but that is money that is well spent :)
have a great weekend!
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