First was Wednesday. I told you about that. Not a terrible bike crash but my left hip still hurts a good bit (all superficial but still- can't touch it at all without wincing). On Thursday I woke up and realized that my bike frame must have hit the inside of my quad when I fell because I've got a sore spot there... and the outside of my ankle hurts too.
I didn't run yesterday like I wanted to. I kind of knew my hip wasn't going to allow it but held out hope until I woke up and made the official call. Though even without the hip pain I couldn't have run anyway b/c I woke up with that sick feeling in my throat... coughed up some solid yellow phelgm (yum) and went back to bed. Did much of nothing yesterday and was bored out of my mind but knew that it was for the best. I'm not a fan of trying to train through illness. I'd rather just get better and then train 100% than work out several more days and end up with a more serious 3 week lingering thing. Still though, I'm not a fan of doing nothing so it wasn't a great day yesterday.
I was hoping I'd feel better today. I'm not any worse, maybe just a hair better, but definitely not 100%. I ignored my 'No Training When Sick' rule and went to the ocean anyway. I figured I'd just swim for like 30 minutes and wouldn't push the pace and convinced myself that moving around in the ocean might actually be somewhat healing. And it might have been, except that I got NAILED by a giant live man-o-war. Holy cow this one was 10x worse than last week. I think last week I just swam through bits of broken tentacles... today I got the full on treatment.

Now I still feel sort of sick (low energy, which is really not like me at all), and have equal pain in both hips, and am going to go lay on the couch and do nothing until I feel 100% better. These episodes are good to experience once in a while because it'll really make me appreciate being healthy and 'on'. It's been a long time since I've felt so physically useless.
OUCH!!!! Feel better soon!!!
Yup, I think your are done with "bad things" for a while now. Feel better, smart not to train hard when sick, wish I could listen to that one myself:)
Yikes. Wrap yourself in bubble wrap and don't get off the couch for another 48 hours. Your bad luck should pass safely during that time period.
Yikes. Wrap yourself in bubble wrap and don't get off the couch for another 48 hours. Your bad luck should pass safely during that time period.
Yowch to getting stung like that; you are pretty damn gutsy for still going out swimming with those things there...still, I hope in some ways the day or two off might bring some form of needed relaxation before you throw yourself back into the busy life :)
Yep, I command all bad luck to disappear! You've had get better lady!!! tn
Ouch. I hope your bad streak ends soon!
ok, there IS one bad thing about hawaii!
good God woman! that really sucks! I hope you are starting to feel a little better. Geez.
make sure you pt some pillows on the floor next to the couch in case you roll off or something; rule nothing out!
Seriously, I hope you feel better soon. I don't know how you go back in the water after something like that? but I am a coward by nature.
Ish. This makes me just never want to swim in the ocean again!!! Hoping your next week gets better!!!!
Urgh! Sorry to hear about that - you deal with it so well though . . other people would be freaking out for days! Hope that the man o war's season will be over soon (please tell me they have a season in Hawaii!).
Oh my gosh! That is crazy! I really hope your string of "bad luck" is over!
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