It doesn't always happen. Great swims can be fleeting. But this morning was great. For now, I'm crediting my awesome neighbor, Dana, for my great swim. Since she and I started our morning daughter trade-off, I've been able to get my whole swim workout in, rather than rushing through 2500M and hurrying home so Scott can get to work. I love Dana. She always says, "Take your time!" It's awesome because I can get 3500-4000M in consistently 3x/week now and that's making quite a positive difference in my swim.
So then I come home and play with Moana and Dana's little girl, Mercey, while Dana goes running. Mercey is three. One of the first things she told me when we met was that her favorite song is Boom Boom Pow. She's a total crack up!
This morning we walked over to a pond across the street to feed the fish. Mercey found a little twig and said, "We can go fishing!"
You gotta love the imagination of a three year old.
You also gotta love it that she likes to push the baby in the stroller.

When we got to the pond I handed Mercey a piece of bread and told her to break it up into little bits to throw in the water for the fish. She tore it in half and threw both pieces in. The fish had a war. Moana enjoyed the scene and the jumping fish.
Walking home Mercey was holding her banana but couldn't get it open. She held it up toward me and asked, "Can you help a sister out?"
Yes, Mercey. I can help a sister out. Great thoughts come out of the mouths of babes.
I like her style. You're so two thousand and late if boom boom pow is not your favorite song. :)
They are both adorable. That's awesoem the trade off is working out so well! I wish I had it too!
that is too funny!
She's hysterical. She sounds a lot like my cousin who said the wittiest and funniest things as a toddler. She told her dad "You're lucky. If I had a penis I'd play with it all the time.
help a sister out, too funny!
She could be my new BFF! LOL!!! YAY for getting some solid swim time in :-)
Just TOO cute! When Moana starts talking you should be writing all the things down that she says! Glad you're getting your swims in and seeing great results!
Aww, what a cutie! Smart cookie.
'Help a sister out' seems to be the theme for my day! Hilarious! Thanks so much for the kind words on my page - I feel so lucky to have found women who have 'gone before me' so to speak - and to have them be so SUCCESSFUL...huzzah!
(PS- roadside guava? Awesome. If I ever post about eating road snacks in NYC, we're in BIG trouble!)
Just wanted to say thanks for recommending The Other Boleyn girl - I read it on my vacation and it was great!
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