I wonder where she learned that opening the fridge door with your tongue hanging out is the way to do it? Surely not from me.

Recently, the girl has been letting go. And concentrating hard.

You should see the look on her face when she realizes that she's doing it all on her own... it's fleeting and tough to capture on film, but imagine kind of a mix between sheer terror and immense pride. When she decides she's not stable enough, she does this controlled squat to the floor. Strong quads, this little gal's got. I wonder how long it'll be until she steps a foot forward?
Go Moana!!!
Oh yay! What a big milestone. Such a cutie. She looks like she is in surfing position in that last shot, sure the hubby is happy!
That's so cool. She is so adorable.
Go Moana go! :)
WOW! Look at her...good stuff, Moana!!
Oh Wow! Moana has definitely inherited her Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence from her momma!
OMG! That is great! How exciting!
i love it! she looks SO determined and hella cute!!
I love that first pic especially. She's gorgeous, and so strong!
Steps are coming - and soon! Get ready.
And I love her shorts.
Looks like walking is just around the corner! Watch out! Good job Moana!! :)
WOW!!! Moana is doing great with standing. I just love those blue eyes. That girl is seriously cute with those blue eyes and curly blonde hair.
That is adorable!! and she is such a perfect mix of the 2 of you - I see both of you in Moana. She's just so cute!
How great is that! I remember not being able to walk to fast with Brayden attached to my legs before he started walking... ah, I wish he was still immobile.
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