Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Moana Chronicles, February 2011: My Opinionated Sporty Princess

It's so fun to watch Moana grow up. She's almost 2 1/2 now and she's not just a princess anymore. She's an opinionated sporty princess.

My mom sent Moana some new running shoes... the princess ones of course that light up when she runs or jumps. She thinks that is insanely cool so she insists on wearing them quite often and she's got the velcro straps mastered now so she can do it herself. (That's also one of the important things for a 2.5 yo. "I do it myself!" Ok then. That is fine with me.) Anyway, Scott started telling her that her shoes were on fire every time she would run. It was funny. But not as funny as the scene in the Honolulu Airport where Moana was running after us and yelling, "My shoes are on fire! My shoes are on fire!"

Of course it makes me quite happy that she loves swimming too. And it doesn't matter ocean or pool- she's a fan of whichever is available. Today I got home from my brick and right away she was insisting on going swimming. And it wasn't a request like "I want to go swimming"... No, it was a demand... "I NEED to go swimming!!" she wailed. Of course I understand that feeling quite well so we took her over to the pool here at our condo complex and she got her swim on.

Last weekend we took her to a different Big Island beach every day. It didn't take her long to figure out that once her bathing suit was on she was free to get on the water... so as we were walking toward the beach, as soon as she could see it or smell it, she was digging in the beach bag looking for her suit (while I was carrying it)... then she found Scott's surf shorts and grabbed them and shoved them at Scott instructing him to put 'em on, daddy. Put 'em on! In good news, she stands still patiently waiting  for her sunscreen application.

Last weekend in Kona we stopped in Bike Works because I needed some new bolts for my bike. (That bike has been so used and abused and the ocean air and rain I ride in all the time does not help. When I disassembled my bike to pack it I was acutely aware of the completely rusted out and almost stripped condition of most of those bolts. It was scary.) Anyway, while in there Moana was instantly drawn to the products that were most appropriate for her... the small purple helmet with the flames on it and the matching little purple push bike were items she just had to have... funny that she found them in that big store too b/c there were so many bike related items to look at and the ones she wanted were not at eye level. But she spied them anyway and pointed and insisted I want THAT one! We had some extra time so much to the amusement of the staff in the store I'm sure, we let her ride a bit. She was stoked.
I knew that getting her out of that store was going to be an issue... She was ignoring our warnings that it was almost time to go (NO! I don't want to go now!)... I told Scott we needed to do it quickly, like just rip the band-aid off, so as I carried her out the door she was wailing "I NEED TO RIDE MY BIKE!!" I just smiled and said, "I know the feeling, sweetie."

So with all that it sounds like Moana might grow up to be a little triathlete. Then again, maybe not. Maybe she'll be a surfer?
Or maybe a gymnast?
Whichever sport(s) she chooses, she'll let us know her opinion I'm sure.


Running and living said...

Oh, so cute! My little guy is opinionated, too, I like it this way:)

Molly said...

The important part is she's getting all sorts of great exposure to an active life now, no matter which sport she chooses later! :-)

Angela said...

We are of the same opinion...we see the potential for their "strong opinion" (tantrum) coming and we swoop in like an eagle and carry them away before they know what's happening...very nice Michelle! Well done, crisis avoided for the day.

mmmonyka said...

As I said before, little kids are the funniest creatures ever.

Anonymous said...

she's a hoot! Really want to meet her @ Honu, she is such a little personality :-)

Aimee said...

I remember when my boys were that age and it's such a fun age!!

mtanner said...

I LOVE her and hope she comes to CDA too!

Allison Chapple said...

Sounds oh-so-very familiar!!!! :)

Does Moana have a bike yet? Baker LOVES his Strider - he's so freaking fast on that thing! It was a great purchase if she doesn't have one yet.

N.D. said...

ahh I love that pic at the top. So fun. I love the pics of Moana too and that she loves to be active.

Kiet said...

Cool new pic! That one is a keeper, the suit color rocks too, I'm a big fan of design and well, I can appreciate it.

Ordinarylife said...

so cute! Nothing like a girl that knows what she wants.

Kim said...

i want to come play with moana, it always looks like she has so much fun!