Last year was really the first year where I could honestly say that I actually took some good recovery time between hard weeks (thanks, Jen, for making me do that! :) and I saw firsthand what a huge difference it made. Not just in race performance, but across my world. I felt better, my mood was better, I was able to put together 3-4 solid weeks in a row of very good training, and I didn't feel the least bit burnt out at the end of the year. Oh, and I raced pretty well too.
So I'm carrying those lessons with me this year and planning regular easier weeks with reduced volume. I am in the middle of one of those weeks right now and you know what? I'm not even resisting it! I'm so proud of myself. It's like I've 'grown' as a triathlete or something because I can accept these weeks without stressing out about losing all of my hard earned fitness. Ha! :)
But the proof is in the puddling, you know? It's not like the whole week is all easy. No, there are some short fast very hard efforts thrown in. Yesterday we had a good swim set planned... 2 x (2 x 200's VERY FAST with only 10 sec rest, then 100 very easy). I really had no idea how fast those 200's would be so that's why 10 sec rest instead of actually on an interval... but we finished the first one and I had to do a double take at my watch because I've never seen a time like that on a fast 200 in that pool. I had enough time to smile and blurt out "WOW!" and then take off again on #2. I felt awesome. Did it again on the second set, felt super, then got out before I had done too much work that would require a nap later in the day.
And so it goes this week. I'm still taking care of myself as if I'm training hard even though I am not. I figure the idea is to be completely refreshed at the end of this week so I can put a good race effort in on Sunday and then hit the next 3 week block with good energy. So I'm wearing my compression socks around during the day...

And of course then Moana wants to wear her socks so she digs them out and brings them to me saying, "Socks! Socks!" So I help her put them on.

I guess I should teach her that we don't actually wear these socks while training... we are too cool for that*... the socks are just for recovery (and they stay inside this house).

*But we are not too cool to wear a diaper while riding a bike.
Oh that is too cute, wearing her socks just like you :) I joked that I dorked up the neighborhood the other day doing my bike trainer workout with my compression socks on - my legs were so wasted to start, I figured I'd take any advantage to help get through it. But never again because I got too warm!!! I don't know how you manage to wear them in HI - that was the hardest part for me in the last weeks before IM AZ, it was too warm to wear big socks up half my legs.
She is toooo cute Michelle! Good luck this weekend! You are going to rock it!! :)
Love her recovery socks on the bike :)
I am feeling ya! Can't wait to hear how things go! Thanks for all of the inspiration.
Teaching her to go to the bathroom while on the bike? Definitely sounds like the daughter of a triathlete...
YES! You know this post makes me smile! GOOD girl! hee hee...and love the pink socks on you. GOOD luck this weekend - you GOT it, Michelle!
PS LOVE the pic of Moana on her bike! :))
you both are adorable...good luck in whatever race you are doing this weekend.
too cute about the socks! I can't wait till I am back in the mode of training hard and then attempt to take the recovery weeks. Sounds great!
I'm in awe of your athleticism, you know. I'm at the total opposite end of the scale to you. But I'm working on it.
Does she actually pedal the bike? Everett has only just figured out how to sit properly on his ride-able toys.
I love your pink recovery socks! And, your daughter is soooo cute!
That's adorable that she needs socks too.
That bike must be itty bitty if she can reach the peddles. Very cute.
Good luck this weekend. Sounds like you are ready to rock!
Aggg, and it should be spelled pedals! I wish the comment feature had spellcheck.
OMG - that just made my night. For real :) YES - amen on that recovery! And I LOVE those socks!!
I love recovery weeks and I especially love compression
Love the picture of her riding a bike!! I love recovery weeks too :-)
Looks like you have a mini-triathelete on your hands! Adorable! Have a GREAT weekend!
Moana is stylin' on that bike with her socks and diaper! And I love your pink recovery socks, those are sweet looking. Good luck this weekend.
Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Love the pink compression socks, where did you get them?
that is hilarious - i love her "big girl" socks!
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