It is just the most ridiculous thing to be here on New Year's Eve. These morons 'modify' the fireworks so they are no longer fireworks- they are more like bombs- and they were being shot off every 3 seconds for about 6 hours straight last night. It sounded like we were in a war zone. Seriously. LOUD BOMBS that rattle your bones. The petrified dog was sure that it was the end of the world and would not come out of the closet. Moana was a good sport yelling out "BOOM!" when she heard one, though miraculously she did eventually go to sleep and only woke up crying a couple of times. I didn't get to sleep until well after 1AM even though I was in bed and trying at about 10.
We have some friends who escaped it all by renting a cabin in the remote mountains on Kauai. We're totally doing that next year.
I'm getting so old and grouchy, aren't I?
But you know what? (Let me complain a little more- I know I have gone over my minute) I went running this afternoon around 2:30 and people were still shooting them off in the middle of the road. The air is all smoky and polluted and the neighborhood streets were just covered in fireworks debris. Doesn't that sound like a good way to bring in the new year? Let's pollute the heck out of our air and streets. Sweet. Smart people live here. UGH.
~End of rant~
Ok, onto better things. We took Moana to the beach this morning. I'm psyched to have this on video now. She has such a blast at the beach!
Unfortunately it wasn't as warm as it looks... it didn't take more than about 15 minutes for her little lips to turn blue and she started shivering... like mother like daughter I guess, huh? So we put her little fleece jacket on and once she was warm and dry she was very happy.

Ok. Now I have to go dust off my P3. She's going on her first ride since Ironman tomorrow morning. I hope she remembers how to shift gears.
wow, she IS fearless in the water! and such beautiful blue eyes...
She is so very cute! I love that age! They grow up way to fast. Happy new year!
OMG she is a water bunny already! Like momma indeed :)
I have already ranted about the bomb-like fireworks here too and they aren't legal at all. Better yet, my COP neighbor was out front doing them in his yard. *sigh*
and to think I was pissed at my nieghbors for shooting off itty bitty fireworks at midnight, LOL! I just wanted to SLEEP! Happy New year!
that video is ADORABLE! awww! how cold was the water? at least now I know there is one bad thing about hawaii.. but only 1 or 2 days! Otherwise it is paradise in my mind!
That water looks so nice! What a lucky little girl to be able to go the beach year round.
Here little clothes are too cute.
Where's her modelling contract . .hmmmm? :) Just SO cute. And really more of a little girl than even a toddler! Happy New Year!
I'm with you - I hate fireworks. I also hate parades. Don't get me started.
She is amazing in the water. Just plowing right. Zach hates the water. That apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Love the video! Your daughter is beautiful :-)
That is such a beautiful picture of Moana!
I wish we lived somewhere where the beach was warm enough to let our little one play in it... winter on this side of the Pacific is not good for teaching a child to love the water!
I love fireworks in the hands of experts, not lay people. My father and my brohter0in-law have lost fingers and messed up their hands messing with fireworks. I steer clear.
Those blue eyes on Moana are the most gorgeous things I have ever seen!
So sorry to hear about your loss. As I found out in May, training is great therapy.
Congratulations on you new coaching business and training certification!
Hope that New Year is a bright and happy one for you and your family!
I agree that the idiots who light the crackers/bombs should be punished. I'm glad Moana doesn't mind them but your poor dog. Try the pooch on 3mg of Melatonin and see if that stops the terrors from fire crackers. That is what I use on the beardies and I repeat it in 20 minutes if it doesn't have enough effect. I'm not sure how big your pooch is but it should work.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Love it!! THanks for sharing
I heart Moana videos! Happy New Year my friend!
Moana is no doubt ADORABLE!
Re: The Fireworks. I thought the same thing when I first moved here - "What's up with that?" were my thoughts. I was a teacher at the time and questioned the students - "Why do your parents spend hundreds of dollars that is just going up in smoke in a matter of minutes?" One of my students asked, "Why did you spend $300 so that you and your brother could jump out of an airplane and skydive for about 1 minute?" He had a good argument.
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