I'm still trying to get excited. I think as I get older I've become much more even-keeled (sp??). When I was younger I was much more excitable... higher highs and lower lows... these days I'm finding myself more relaxed and mellow and laid back about everything. My husband must be rubbing off on me. He's a Local Boy through and through.
ANYWAY, I think I'll get excited when I arrive in Kona and see all the Ironman signs and postings and athletes and all that. There's so much energy in Kona this time of year. It's palpable. And really really cool. Regardless of whether or not you're racing, it's just awesome to be there. I spent 2 years watching before I got to race it and I tell ya what, there's something to be said for hanging out all drunk at noon and watching for the HOT athletes to run by on Ali'i Dr...
This is my friend Ellen... we were just getting primed and waiting for the eye candy to run by in 2005...
This year I won't be having any beers at noon (you're welcome, Jen) but I do still think I'm going to have a pretty good time. Seems like just about everyone I know from here will be there racing or cheering... as well as some good friends from AZ who I can't wait to see!
So... my goals for the race? I do have some time goals in mind, though I think I'll keep them to myself for now because you just never know what is going to happen on race day and how it will all unfold. I will say this though- I hope that my race is reflective of the training I have done. And if it is, the finish time will take care of itself. I don't feel like I need any of that 'Race Day Magic' because all I have to do is exactly what I've been doing in training and it'll be perfect. (Though I guess I do need my body to work with me on putting it all together in a single day.)
Looks like the weather may cooperate with us as well. Forecast predicts it'll be a somewhat 'normal' day, which still means hot and windy, but not CRAZY HOT and not CRAZY WINDY. I've ridden up to Hawi before when it's crazy windy and it's so scary- like your-foot-is-clipped-out-of-your-pedal-because-you're-ready-for-the-wind-to-blow-you-over-at-any-moment scary.... but Saturday should not be like that. So phew.
If you want to follow along, go to www.ironman.com and use the athlete tracker. I'm number 1450 but searching for Michelle Simmons will work too. Or you can sort by age groups (W35-39). There should also be a live video feed of the finish line so that'll be cool. :) Sorry to those of you on the east coast who will have to stay up well past your bedtimes if you want to see the finish.
So Thursday morning I'll be swimming here... my favorite place in the world to swim...

In an ideal world, I'll finish while the sky looks a lot like this. See ya on the flip side!
PS- I'll be updating via Facebook from Kona- and giving my phone to my friend Kathy so she can update while the race is going on- so if you want to follow along there too, send me a friend request! :)))
Good luck! You've done the training, luck is all you need!
OH YEAH baby! I am so excited for you, Michelle. WOW, you are so ready. Time to go go go! I will talk to you tomorrow or Friday - call me either day, will ya? :)
I am super excited for you, too! Enjoy the magic of Kona.
Wow, you sound so ready! What a great place to be -- prepared.
I'll be rooting for you!
Good luck good luck good luck! I'm going to be all about the Kona stalk this weekend. Can't wait to read all about it.
Good luck! Have a great day out there.
Have an awesome race Michelle :) time to let the dog see the rabbit... x
Go Mama!! Have the most amazing time and a fun, safe, and exciting race. You are ready to own that PR!
Good luck! You will be one fast mama with a proud family waiting at the finish. I will be cheering from Maine!
Good luck!!!! Enjoy your reward for all your hard work.
We'll definitely be watching! Good wishes from NC.
Woot woot! Can't wait to track you! You're going to have a fantastic race! Go go go!
Have a blast and race well!! Can't wait to see how you do!
Yay! Good luck and have a fun day! I'll track you and cheer and have a beer at noon from here!
Whoo hoo! So excited for you! You are gonna rock it! No doubt about it! Enjoy the ride, you deserve it! Can't wait for the race report! Be safe! :) I think I'll send you a friend request on FB, so when you get a crazy chic with longest name asking you, please don't ignore me! :)
Well Michelle - it will be WELL worth it to stay up past my bedtime here in Pittsburgh to watch you cross that finish line on the computer!!! It's been such a delight following along on your journey to Kona so thank you for that. And of course best of luck. Although I know you don't need it. Just do what you know how to do. I'm thinking of you!!
Have fun and I am excited to follow you online on race day! I'll be drinking beers on Saturday night in empathy... at least till you can enjoy them post race!
Yeah!! Good luck! Will be cheering you on during the late night hours on the east coast. Go girl!
Good luck out there!
I won't have computer access this weekend, but I'll be so excited to see how the race goes for you! Have an AWESOME time! Kick Kona Butt!
Good luck, I can't wait to hear about it. You are such an inspiration!
Good luck! Anytime I get frustrated about the whole cancer thing and think I may never be able to compete again, I think of you. Cancer survivor, mom, ironman. You inspire me and I can't wait to someday share all those titles with you!
YIPPEE!!!! KONA BABY!!!! You will have an AMAZING day tomorrow and I CANNOT wait to cheer for you :) Ill be tuning in all day! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!
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