Hi. My name is Michelle and I am a cramper.
I have suffered debilitating cramps in most of the long races I have done in my lifetime. The most spectacular ones occurred at Ironman Brazil in 2003, where my leg seized up so severely that I stopped half way up a hill at mile 90 and spent a few minutes bent over my bike, unable to even swing my leg over the top tube. Or there was Ironman Arizona in 2005 when I stopped and sat on the side of the road half way through the bike and watched my quad muscle spontaneously seize and relax. Cramps have cost me HOURS in Ironman races. I have walked for miles of an Ironman marathon (like 8 at a time) because a single running step would cause severe cramping.
If you are a cramper, you'll sympathize with me. It sucks being a cramper.
Naturally, I was willing to do just about whatever it took to make the cramps go away. Must have been a dehydration issue, I was told. Drink more. Drink drink drink. Don't wait until you're thirsty or it'll be too late. Over the years, I taught myself to drink a lot in training and races. When that didn't solve the cramping problem, I was told that it must be an electrolyte issue. Take salt tabs to replace all that lost sodium and electrolytes. Ok, I can do that.
So for years I was all about salt tabs. I'd take them... and still cramp. Maybe I wasn't taking enough? Some people are salty sweaters (I am one for sure!!) and I heard they need a lot more. So I took more. I took a lot in races- was I taking too much? Hard to tell, given that I am not a pro and there was nobody inviting me into a lab to do a sweat rate test. So how the heck do I know how much salt to take? It was all a big guessing game. The problem with the salt experiment is that you sacrifice an entire year of training so you can experiment during an Ironman race with how much freaking salt to take and once again, get it wrong and end up walking half the marathon once your quads seize up.
This past year, I did a lot of reading... mostly a lot of research on cramping and the causes of cramping. In my research I came across some eye-popping and enlightening information regarding fluid balance in endurance running and racing.
The link above will take you to a page where you'll find a whole bunch of awesome blog posts by the Sports Scientists Jonathan Dugas and Ross Tucker. Essentially, they argue against the drink as much as you can campaign and tell you to just drink according to thirst. They say that our thirst mechanism is actually very well developed and that you can indeed, trust it. They say that you're going to get a bit dehydrated during long endurance events, and that's ok. Long races are an exercise in 'Managed Dehydration'. The people who win the race are the most dehydrated. They rehydrate after the race is over.
The first time I read this, I didn't believe it. I thought these guys were NUTSO. I thought they were talking about other athletes- this surely couldn't work for me. Could it?
The thing I found most interesting was this- When you sweat, you lose fluid and electrolytes. BUT, you lose so much more fluid than electrolytes that the concentration of electrolytes in your system actually goes UP. So, there is no need to supplement with electrolytes, unless you are over-hydrating to begin with. Your electrolyte concentration only goes down when you drink too much- and that goes for water OR Gatorade. So, if you listen to your body and drink to thirst, you do not need to replace the lost salt because your body is keeping it all in balance on its own. In a nutshell, when you sweat a lot, you lose lots of fluid... your electrolyte concentration goes up, your thirst mechanism kicks in, and then you drink to replace some of that lost fluid... TA DAH! Back in balance. Without a single salt tab.
The other thing that was a shocking bit of news to me is that cramping is not caused by dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. Instead, they theorize that cramping is due to fatigue that makes your muscle fibers fire uncontrollably. Or something like that. Read their post- they explain it much better than I could. They say that to prevent muscle cramps, essentially you need to train appropriately, stretch, and pace yourself appropriately during your long races.
So hmmm. How do I apply this to myself so I can race the hottest Ironman on the planet without ending up doubled over on my bike or walking half the marathon? Well, for starters, I trained appropriately. Then, during the race, I consciously drank less than I normally would have. Remember, over the years I have taught myself to drink drink drink, so for me, drinking only to thirst means drinking less than normal. I paid close attention to my pacing on the bike, making sure I was never pushing too hard, I stood up and stretched early and often, and I didn't screw up my fluid balance by taking any electrolyte tabs. That's right. NOT ONE.
A risky experiment for sure. I was actually afraid to tell too many people before hand that I was going to race at Ironman Hawaii and not take any electrolyte supplements. I figured people would think I was NUTSO. But I wanted to try it and see what happened. And you know what happened? I had a very solid bike and for the first time ever, didn't have a twinge of a cramp while riding.
I did have two instances of cramps on the run- once at mile 15 and once right at the end... my sartorius muscle is always the first to seize up, and it finally did in the later stages of the race, but I am convinced that it had nothing to do with dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalance. It was simply a matter of fatigue and a weak muscle in there that was tired and overworked.
Anyway, if you want more info about this, read Jonathan and Ross's blog. And then buy their book. I did. And it allowed me to be smarter about fueling and hydrating myself- which led to a 30+ minute Ironman PR.

YEAH Michelle! I'm glad a triathlete actually realizes that salt tablets are totally overrated!! I can't believe how much money people spend on that stuff and how MANY they take. Many triathletes are lucky they don't have a heart attack by how much sodium they ingest. All of your training paid off in more ways then one!
So glad you figured out what works for you. I completely agree about drinking too much and taking too many electrolytes. The human body is strong and can handle a bit of dehydration (much better than gaining 6lbs of fluid post a long run, as I did)
This is very interesting. Love the links.
Because I live in the north, I haven't really done much with salt tabs. I haven't needed to, b/c even in the summer it's pretty cool here. This summer I did practice with salt tabs once. I put them in my drink so I wouldn't have to try and take a pill while riding. The result? I didn't drink at all b/c my drinks tasted like shit!
I'm glad to hear that it makes little sense to take them--unless you over-hydrate-which of course happens to some eager beavers. Then hypoatrenmia. Maybe that's where the salt rage came from? to prevent that?
i think the sartorius muscle is really cool! we're planning a trip to the bodies exhibit and i am SO psyched and a little grossed out to see the muscles i am always getting sore in!
very interesting! I'm not a cramper, but I am struggling with stomach issues, and spending my long runs "experimenting" is getting really old!! I hope to figure it out soon
hey Michelle, that is really interesting information, thanks a heap for experimenting first hand and sharing. I had read so much about fluid and the importance of hydration the last 24months of endurance triathlons that I have been ultra careful. But at the ssame time I had started thinking about just how dehydrated I must have been out on some long 12-14hr hikes where I minimise hydration because I can only carry so much - and yet I had never suffered the effects of dehydration like headache or cramps. So I believe there is something to this information you have - thanks!!
Very interesting. I've been debating the Nuun tablets and resisting them (despite having two brand new packets) just because I'm a big believer in more natural products and that the body can heal itself, and your blog post just gave me another reason not to eat them!
What an interesting experiment and I am so glad that it worked out for you! I think it is interesting how the advice through the year shifts and ofter years later we find that some advice (i.e. drinks TONS of water) is downright dangerous. Cool post.
Very interesting. Glad it worked. Wish I would have met you...looks like we both spent a lot longer on that run than planned. You were right by me ;) Hope to meet someday!
This is interesting and helpful!!! :)
This is some good stuff here. I've heard advice for both drinking a lot and only when thirsty. I'm one of those folks who only drinks when thirsty. You might be surprised at how little I drink during the course of the day. I did a ten mile run last weekend with no fluid on board, I was fine.
I am also a cramper, kind of. I haven't had issues while triathlon training(knock wood), but definitely when I played soccer. Always my quads and always in mid sprint. I surmise, like you, this was due to muscle fatigue. It SUCKS when it happens, just drops you like a school aged boyfriend and hurts like hell.
Thanks for the info.
When I win the lottery, I'm adding "sweat analysis for Mama Simmons" to my list of things to buy. :o)
Interesting info. Who knows if I'll ever run Kona, but I will run an IM some day, and when I do, this is get info to have.
Awesome.... I love the idea, perhaps I might try it this weekend too??!!! Gulp! It makes sense in a lot of ways and the whole bit of carrying around all those extra tabs is annoying anyways! Glad it worked for you!
Finally someone is brave enough to post what I've been thinking all season. I'm a huge cramper too. Kept taking more and more salt tabs thinking that was the problem. Did nothing but make me sick. Focused on building more leg strength earlier in the year, and now my cramping is almost never.
PS: Been stalking your blog for a while via Marit & Mer's blogs. It's great! Congrats on Kona!
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