So what was Moana for Halloween? A LadyBug! And quite happy one. Who would have guessed that she would have been okay in this crazy outfit?

I guess it was okay with her because it didn't hamper her ability to climb up on things.

There's not a whole lot you can really do with a one year old at Halloween, but I heard the mall is a fun and safe place for young kids, so I thought we'd check it out. Truth be told, I'd never been to the mall on Halloween. But you know what? It was really fun. Perfect for Moana!
There was a bit of entertainment... Moana was quite interested in watching the dancers.

She made some new friends with some teenage girls who instantly fell in love with her.

She really wanted to check out some of the costumes.

There were giant turtles to climb on...

The stores were all giving away a bunch of free candy, but we weren't there for the candy. Just the people watching. That being said, we did accept a little sucker from a gal at one of the kiosks who really wanted to give it to Moana. What the heck. Let's see if she likes the sucker. :)

Looks like she liked it! Hey dad! Give that sucker back!!!

Oh she looks adorable and like she had a great time! How funny is that swine flu costume.
SO cute!! Don't laugh, but I had a leash when I first started to walk (and I was a late walker - 18 months!) and it was when my parents took me overseas to meet my other grandparents for the first time. It was more of a harness, so looked cute and not like I was some sort of pet. It worked out well for them as I was able to get around and they knew where I was all the time! :)
TOO CUTE!!!! Looks like you had fun and I am with you on the Halloween thing. Just doesn't seem right to get dressed up, I think I was over by the time I was 9 or 10. However, I love to see other people dressed up. It always cracks me up to see peoples costumes.
Oh my gosh - I didn't think she could get any cuter, but I was wrong! ADORABLE! Glad that you guys had a fun Halloween! YEA!
She is adoreable. I love her costume:) She looks so much like her daddy in that picture!
That is the best ladybug costume I have seen. Moana looks adorable in it!
That is one cute ladybug! I love that my son is finally at the age to really enjoy Halloween (as much as I do, hey I dressed up too). It's all over too quickly!
What fun! These are great. now, can we talk about the older woman off to the left in the picture of Scott and moana walking away? It truly us best to leave dressing up for the kids!!
Her outfit is adorable!! so cute!
She is a cute little bug! I love that costume.
Just wait a few years and your house will be filled with candy post holiday. It's not good in so many ways...
No words can describe the cuteness!
Cutest little LadyBut on the Block is more like it!
Glad you guys had fun!
I had a leash when I was a kid, that was back in the early 80's though, and I think my parents were shunned for it. Today though, parents do it all the time - peace of mind is worth it.
Just don't be like my parents: they would tie me to a tree in front of our cabin in the summer with some sand toys and leave me for what felt like hours! Sheesh! Eh, I turned out fine! :)
She's so happy and adorable! Looks like you guys had a great time. Who knew the mall could be so great?
What a cutie pie!!!
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