It's funny. Because only at the end of a massive Ironman build would you say that what I did this weekend qualifies as 'short'... though clearly my body interpreted it as 'short' at least in relative terms, because I woke up this morning (before my alarm went off) and had a desire to get out of bed and go swim.
And in the water, I felt good. Which hasn't happened on a Monday morning in, um, a long time. I was on top of the water with a long relaxed stroke and a strong pull-through. I love that.
Now Moana is napping and I'm not A)Training more or B)Passed out on my bed. Nope. Laundry is being done. Kitchen is clean. Floor has been swept. And bills will get paid before she wakes up! Later we'll actually go out and run some errands (Costco- here we come!) which clearly indicates that my energy levels have come back up to a more normal level. I did not have the ability to drag my poor tired body to Costco last week. But today, it seems like a manageable task.
Shoot, if I have this much energy today, what am I going to feel like next Monday after a weekend that is not even half of what I did this past weekend? Holy Moly. Watch out. Mama's gonna be BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS.
Anyway, it's good to have normal energy levels because it allows me to get through mornings with this energetic little one.Seriously, blow this one up and look at her face. And welcome to my world.

OMG great picture!
So great that you are starting to feel the taper! I LOLed at you bouncing off the walls - all that energy will be poised to spring free on race day. Keep up the good work!
(on all fronts)
Glad to hear you have some energy...want to send some my way :-) Love the picture of that quinoa and broccoli? HA!
good stuff! great pic. you sound rejuvenated!
hahaha that is the coolest picture, hilarious! enjoy the extra energy in taper, I hope you rock Kona and have a great day!
i totally get it! i'm just starting to tackle laundry and it is a pretty sad sight....i don't even know where to begin.
moana is such a doll - enjoy it :)!!
I can't wait to see ho you do come the big day Michelle, you're so ready and I'm blown away by your incredible training achievements and attitude :)I'll be screaming support for you online from England :) x
Now THAT looks like fun!
Hardly comparable, but I did a 5K on Saturday, took Sunday off, and even though I didn't feel like it, did an easy 3 yesterday afternoon. Yet about 1/2 a mile into it I was feeling very strong and by the end, probably could have gone another 2 at the same pace. So can only imagine how much energy you must have!! :)
hahaha - glad your energy is back! Is that broccoli? Tooo cute!
Hee, how could you not love life with a face like that. :o)
LOL, wow that is a mess. So that is what I have to look forward to once I introduce solids. Great!
What are you feeding that girl? Looks like she dumped pesto sauce on her head.
Want to come clean my place with all of that energy?
I love, love, love your story about your first IM! Sunny D, peanut butter and jelly and Nutterbutters to top it off!! LOVE IT! :) Of course this time around it's going to be a lot different! So excited for you Michelle - you are so close now!! Rest up - you are going to ROCK!
Taper is fun huh? :)
Ha! taper is amazing. Really, is this what we are supposed to feel like normally? Good luck in Kona. Taper on!
That little face just made my day! Thanks for sharing. So glad taper is going well, you got this one in the bag, lady! :)
She's too cute.
Enjoy the taper!!
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