Oh please (oh please) let her be tired and just sleep. Of course, now that she is 7 months old (I know, can you believe it??), she sleeps a lot less than she did when she was really little. And especially in new place, she won't even think about allowing herself to sleep. In fact, she may not sleep this whole weekend.
In my old life I was that single gal in the airport who shivered at the sight of a baby boarding the plane with her mom. And I might have, once or twice, rolled my eyes (or something) when said baby was making noise. I just have this feeling that today is the day I will pay for those sins. So to all the moms out there who were at any time a victim of my airplane stink eye, please forgive me. I really am sorry. I just didn't know what it was like before.
Seriously, this is going to be an exciting weekend for Moana. I was just reviewing the Athlete Guide for the race and trying to figure out how to arrange our day tomorrow so we all have fun but I also get in all the stuff I need to. I think our day will look something like this:
AM: Go to Hapuna Beach for swim/ride/run. Just a couple minutes each sport, which will just get me more psyched up to race. As if I need that.

Scott and Moana can play at the beach while I'm taking care of business and then hopefully we can all hang out and play a little together. In 2007 when I was out doing my pre-race swim at Hapuna I saw a manta ray swimming around... mantas are seriously the most beautiful creatures in the water. So. Graceful. I'll be looking for one again this year for sure!

Then I'll have to go pick up my race packet and all that goes with it. Spend the day packing my bags into transition gear bags and chillin' with my feet up somewhere... Oh, and playing with a baby who will no doubt be mesmerized by all the newness. I wonder how many other athletes there will spend the evening before the race giving their baby a bath? In The Big Tub, nonetheless. Last time we tried a bath in The Big Tub there was a total meltdown.
Speaking of meltdowns, I think there may be a few on the run course this year. Our winds have been very light for the last several weeks and will continue to be light throughout the weekend. Which means that it's HOT. Really Hot. And humid. Sticky humid. Warning: Failure to pace correctly on the bike or a miscalculation of how much fluid/electrolytes one needs may result in massive meltdowns on the run.
Cat reminded me last night that ilovetheheatithriveintheheatilovetheheatithriveintheheatilovetheheatithriveintheheatilovetheheatithriveintheheat. I'll try to remember that on Saturday when I'm ready to rip my skin off so I can cool down.
So if you're curious about how the race is going, I think you will be able to follow it on www.IronmanLive.com. Usually they have an athlete tracker (sort for W35-39) that'll give you our splits along the way so it'll be just like you're there. Sort of. Except you won't be there. It would be better if you were there. Screaming your head off at me. But I guess following along on your computer will suffice. ;)
One great thing about this race is that we all (men and women) start together at 7:00 AM. No wave starts. I love that. Let's race.
By the way, Scott just dared me to wear my pointy helmet on the plane. He said he would wear it if it fit him, but it doesn't fit him. Likely excuse. See? Everyone is full of excuses already and the race hasn't even started yet.
perfect, 7am start time means 10am here. i'll be done with my brick and positioned in front of my computer. i'll send you the physical therapy bill for the carpal tunnel i'll have from hitting the "refresh" button over and over.
xoxo and lots o' speed!
I bet Moana sleeps on the plane. So far, I have had good luck with Elena's 3 plane trips. The airport was super exciting and then when we got on the plane and the engines were going it put her right to sleep.
I wish I was there screaming my head off at you, too! GO MAMA!!!!!!!!
Yes, I agree with CAT - and it will be 12noon here, so I will nearing home from dropping the kids off at my parents house and after soccer and OW swimming - phew! SO, there I will be - as I love it - on the couch screaming at the computer. !!!!!!!!
I was bummed that I'm racing Saturday too and woudln't get to computer-stalk, but I forgot abotu the time difference. (What? Not EVERYONE is central time zone?)
Good luck!
I too will be done with my brick in time to scream at you through the internet. :) Go go go Michelle!!!!!!
I bet flying goes much more smoothly than you fear. I was terrified and each flight we've taken has been relatively uneventful.
And I'll be done with my long brick workout and scream for you as well. So excited for you - not that you need it. Damn girl - you seem ready to go!
I can tell by your post that you are completely ready and psyched...I can read the excitement!
The boys haven't been on a plane yet so I have nothing to offer. But I do know that I'll be watching and cheering for ya!
You had BETTER BELIEVE that I'll be frantically hitting the "refresh" button and screaming at the computer for you! You'll do GREAT! And yes - I KNOW that you love the heat and love the humidity! :) I read your last post but didn't get a chance to comment. You are SO READY for this race. Jen is fantastic, and she'll do everything she can to get you in TOP form... And she has. Way to go with all those workouts - you are SO STRONG, and come race day, it'll be one big, old celebration of your strength. Go get 'em Michelle! Have a GREAT time, and know that there are a lot of us out here in blog land who are cheering you on!
I will be screaming for you (probably along with Ella and Alice who will be screaming AT me) on our 6 hour road trip Saturday. So, thanks in advance for keeping me entertained with your racing. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the heat!! I always feel like I run better when it's warm outside, sun is shining, and I am really sweating. You're SO ready for this! And even though you'll have Scott to help with Moana, don't be surprised if people offer to help you anyway (because she's just so darn cute!!). My mum took my brother and I when we were very young to various countries to meet my dad when he had finished a work stint and I always admire mothers who do it and always offer to help.
Not going to say good luck because you don't need it! You've earned a great result! :)
You are going to do GREAT!!! Have fun out there :-)
I pass on the Ironman baton to you Michelle, take it and swim,bike and run hard with it :) I'll be in sunny England screaming you on. Most of all LOVE IT you've put all the money in the bank, time to withdraw the lot :) :) :) x
Good luck and HAVE FUN! I'll be rooting for ya here! Just think of Moana smiling at the finish line and it will make it go by faster! :)
Good luck this weekend! I thought of Nick at the finish just like that last comment says and it really kept me smiling the whole way through!
YAHOOO!!! How exciting. I'll be cheering too - really loud from PA!! And you will handle that heat just fine. MUCH better than a lot of athletes coming from cooler hometowns. YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK!! Have fun out there!
Have an awesome fun time!! We'll be cheering for you from Cali! :)
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