As expected, Moana just couldn't keep the sand out of her mouth. Apparently it's just too tempting and had to be tasted.

I suppose I could have been a more conscientious mom and stopped her before she got her sandy little hands in her mouth, but that wouldn't have made for a very good blog post now, would it?
If you blow this picture up, you can see the sand all over her face. It was also in her ears, her feet, her diaper...

When we were just about done I took her back into the ocean to get washed off as best we could. That entailed getting most of her body submerged in the water, and since it was a bit choppy out there today, at one point a wave washed up over her head. I thought maybe she would have been scared by that, but instead she just got this interested look on her face and then licked her lips. Apparently to see how that salt water tasted.
Finally it was time to go so Kelley and I took our daughters up to our blankets to get them changed into dry clothes. I took off Moana's disposable Little Swimmer diaper (can I tell you now how glad I am that I chose the disposable one instead of the reusable one??) and watery poop just came out all over the blanket. Ugh.
You know, Hoku (our dog) gets the squirts when she goes to the beach because she ingests too much salt water and sand. Apparently Moana does as well. I didn't think she'd ingested that much, but I guess a little goes a long way when you're talking about a little baby.
I really wanted to throw out the big beach blanket. Right. In. The. Garbage. Because... well... YUCK. But I folded it up and gave it to Scott who promised he would get it clean. I mean, I clean up baby poop, dog poop, and cat poop every day. I also clean our toilets on a pretty regular basis. But washing poop like that out of the blanket really went beyond my poop cleaning abilities.
Yeesh! I'd have thrown it away for sure. :o)
That was so much fun..thanks for hanging out today. Hopefully we don't find sand coming out the other end :-)
The sand is a bit like a laxative, I think.
Too much fiber?
Oh, I so don't miss those sandy poops. nasty. I still seem to clean up a lot of shit, though, even though all three of mine are out of diapers.
What a great day - yeah, Moana did have sand everywhere...hee hee hee - but that's GREAT that she's so curious and enjoys exploring her surroundings. :) Ick for the poopey blanket but bravo to a great hubby who cleans it without protest. Is he up for adoption?
awwwwww!! she loves the sand! It is cool to see pictures of 2 bloggers!
I hear you. I would have thrown it away. I won't tell you this disgusting story involving David and why I am throwing our bath mat away this morning.
It's so great you and Kelly can hang out at the beach with the girls.
We have "boy jobs" and "girl jobs" in my house. Boy jobs are essentially anything I don't want to do...such anything involving fecal matter, trash, lawn work, and sometimes dinner. Hmmm, I'm really not sure what that actually leaves for me to do....
oh yeah...I've had explosive liquid poos that required a bath...for both the boys and me.
I hate poo.
Happy first Mothers Day!
You are such a beautiful mom and I am so adoring your experiences as a first year mom... GREAT job hottie!!
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