Hoku is like her mom. She prefers swimming without the board.
I met my friends Nalani and Ellen at Lanipo this morning and we swam out to the island you see in the first picture. It was, once again, an incredible day here. Our winds have been 'light and variable' for something like 3-4 weeks now, which makes for perfect glassy ocean conditions. If the winds stay down like this for 6 more days, it's gonna be a fast bike ride to Hawi... followed by a hot run where lots of people will melt.
Anyway, Moana got her weekly dose of sand eating. I wonder if sand counts as a 'Super Food'?
Scott was happy as he was able to get Moana back on his surfboard... this time while it was in the water (not just on sand)! She wasn't so sure about standing up on that floaty thing. It sure wasn't very stable. Good thing dad was holding on tight.
Sitting was cool though. I think she was mesmerized by the wax on his board. It was tough to get her to look up.
Currently, the dog and the baby are both knocked out and snoring. Not kidding. My baby is snoring. I think it's because she has a bunch of sand up her nose.
Your dog on the surfboard is really funny! Also, that island looks far away in the picture. Swimming to an island sounds like a lot more fun than swimming in the pool. It sounds like you are really ready for Honu. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you.
Love the doggie photos! And baby photos of course :)
WOW - Nice job! That island DOES look pretty far away - what a great workout. I love the pictures - just stunning!
Thinking of you as you head into Honu.... :)
Cute pictures! I'm sad we didn't make it this morning. Sara had a record breaking nap (all hour and fifteen minutes!) Looks like you had fun :-) I think Sara and Moana are destined to be beach rats!
Moana on a surfboard! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
ahhhh i love reading your blog, but it makes me so jealous! :) Paradise!
I need to move to Hawaii.
That's all I have to say.
Every single day of your life is my dream vacation. :o)
Aaaaahhhh....a dog's life, wait, a baby's life, wait YOUR life! I'd settle for even the dog's life.
Great pics!
wow, the water is awesome! The color of all the water we swim in here is brownish/orange with visibility of 2-3 inches. I'm so jealous.
I might like swimming a little if I got to swim in crystal clear warm water to beautiful islands.
Agree w/ Angela on the beautiful water!! You guys are so lucky. Love the pics!
such beautiful pictures! the beach looks absolutely devine! good luck in honu!!!!!!
Thanks for the comments on my blog! This whole pregnancy thing is terrifying - and here I thought I was in control of my body...
That island looks SO far away!! It's incredible that you can do that! Oh, and Moana is definitely competing with one of my best friend's daughters around the same age for cutest baby of the day right now!
Beautiful water :) Your dog and baby are amazing!
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