Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Did Not Feel Like Running Today

So this afternoon I was planning to go running but instead I found myself on my couch... sinking in... not really feeling so interested in moving. I fell asleep briefly and decided to bag the run b/c I just felt too tired.

But then I was trying to figure out if I was really that tired or if maybe I just imagining it? I did not have an especially big week of training or anything so I didn't feel like I had a real reason to be tired. Was I just being lazy? There had to be a better excuse not to run. But as I tried to come up with an excuse I could live with, I realized that I did not really have one. I was not feeling sick... I am not injured. I was just letting myself be a prisoner to gravity. So I started perusing twitter and facebook and blogs on my phone (still from the couch) and found myself reading all those 'motivation' quotes... you know the ones about how right now somewhere someone is out training and when you meet head to head in competition, she'll beat you kind of quotes. So I dragged my ass off the couch and put on my shorts and shoes and ingested my magic potion* and got out the door.

And you know what? I had a stellar run! It was shocking, really, the difference in how I felt once I got out there. I'd call it one of my best runs of the year. As I was floating home, feet barely touching the ground, I was thinking about how incredibly glad I was that I did not bag that run. I proved it to myself once again- you don't have to feel good prior to starting. You just have to get out there and do it.

*My magic potion... you wanna know, don't you? Ok I'll tell you... Two e21 tabs and a shot of espresso. Magic, I tell ya. Works every time.


mmmonyka said...

Good for you!
I did not feel like riding a bike last night (mostly because I knew it would be hard). But I HAD to get it in so I did not think about not doing it, I just kept postponing it until it was late and I could not postpone anymore:)

LOVE the second quote!

Teresa said...

Totally in love with those quotes!!! Way to go Michelle!

Angela and David said...

I never feel like running while pregnant but I know I'll feel better afterward. But each run it gets harder and harder to convince myself it's worth the effort. But I do know what you mean in non-pregnant running world. I can't wait to get back to those days.

Molly said...

I'll be using that motivation tomorrow when I go for a run and start feeling the soreness of today's TRX class :-) So glad you had a good one!

Matt said...

sometimes getting out the door is the biggest part of the battle! Way to get out there

Ange said...

great quotes... and I totally agree! sometimes you can feel SO bad when you start then wham...great workout! so glad you got out there!!

Anonymous said...

yea for motivation! glad you got out there!