Instead I'll tell you about how Moana is completely attached to her new tutus that Grammy gave her last week... I didn't see her this morning (because, um, I had to go to work at 6AM and didn't come home until time to pick her up from day care but I said I wasn't going to complain about that) but when I arrived to pick her up from day care today I saw that she was still wearing her little pink tutu over her normal t-shirt/shorts. I was told that she would NOT take it off all day. She napped in it. It even stayed on as she got her diaper changed. Sweet.
I know those of you who have boys are thanking your lucky stars that you won't have to deal with tutus and princess shoes with feathers and tiaras and all that... I swear, this girlie stuff is just engrained in Moana's DNA or something because I am *not* teaching her to be a princess. I do not know where she gets it? It's got to be some sort of instinct. Maybe she'll grow out of it? Mama can hope! ;)
The funny part was that I ran the empty baby jogger down to get her and then ran her home... I swear it was like the princess boarding her chariot as Moana climbed in for the ride. I really should have gotten a picture. Pictures of this stuff will be classic (and necessary!) later on in her life when she is a pro surfer or some other bad-a$$ athlete chick and I'll hold these 'dancing in a tutu' pictures over her head... threatening to show them to the world if she doesn't stop seeing that loser guy or something. Ha!
So I don't have a picture of that, but Steve In A Speedo did get a cool shot of me finishing Rev3 on Sunday that he posted on FB. Check it out. I look happy! I did not have to force the hands in the air/smile at this race like I had to at my two previous half ironmans this year. :)

I love bloggers who post pictures of races. It's so fun to read blogs of people who were at the same race as you and see their pictures. Kim posted this one of the swim start. Check it out, looks like I'm actually running into that cold water with my game face on! :)

I'm not done being happy about my race at Cedar Point, so that's good! But when does it end, you know? When can we finally just kick back and say, "I achieved my goal so now I'm done?" I'm now pretty convinced that I could knock out a 4:50 with the right training on the right day on the right course... it's this whole thing about never being satisfied I guess. There will always be another bigger/faster goal on the horizon I guess. Well, maybe not always. I think at some point age will catch up with me and I'll start getting slower. But I digress.
Back to Cedar Point. I think it's super cool that Beth won the OA. And that Kim was 2nd. On the run it occurred to me that my blogger friends and I were 3 of the top 4 gals in that race. How fun! And who knows, maybe the others are bloggers too who I just not have happened to read? So I'll end this blog post on a happier note than the one I started on... bloggers are cool.
soooo funny!! She is ridiculous!! :)
I agree - bloggers are very cool! :) Love your finishers pictures! Big smile!! :)
Great race pics. And that is funny about the tutu.
Having both a boy and a girl, I think you're right about trucks and tutus just being a part of their genetic makeup. Even at almost 7 months, our daughter loves her soft animals. I am hoping to keep tutus out of the house as long as possible!
And AWESOME job on your last few races! I am totally inspired.
Hey! I'm finally finding your blog - YES! And your daughter - so cute. I love the picture in your header of you and her. Someday, I hope I'm blessed enough to be a Mom when the time is right. I think it's the hardest and most wonderful thing you could ever do!! So congrats to you for keeping things in balance and finding time to be good at many things! Love your blog!! I'll keep reading for sure! Thanks for stopping by mine as well! Nice to meet you - briefly!
I hear you on the wanting to complain. My work days lately have been nuts and at home I am not getting the help I could certainly use to keep me sane. Trust me, I get it.
Excited for Zach and Moana to meet. Moana doesn't have to worry about Zach trying to steal her tu-tu. I'll send you a message soon so we can coordinate. Very excited!
Oh..and um.. YES! Bloggers are certainly cool :) !
Love your matching Rev3 outfit - great finish line pic!
The girlie thing might be random. My nieces are 7 and 5. The 7 year old has pirate parties. The 5 year old is all about the princesses. My boss's daughters are 13 and 7. The teenager loves skateboards/Tony Hawk and plays drums. Her sister was flipping through catalogs and ticking clothes that she wanted, age 4. Go figure. But hang onto those photos! :)
I have a vague memory of enjoying playing dress up in old lacey girly things when I was young. I grew out of it pretty fast. There is hope.
I went through the tutu phase. I now have a 4yo boy who wears his firefighter suit WHENEVER he can. He also tells me he can't go to bed yet because he has "a call".
Why YES! Bloggers ARE cool! :)
Congrats again on the race! Seems like it was a good day all-around!
Love the princess chariot!
And live it up lady! You totally deserve it!!
wooohhoo we are cool!!! i cant wait to see pictures of moana - that girl is too friggin cute.
and you totally can be happy about cedar FOOORREEVERR!! cause you rocked it!
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