Apparently, they do keep you on the team, or at least at this point, it appears so! It does make me a little more bummed out about the fact that I'm not going to be racing next year though. Although, I'll let you in on a little secret, which of course will no longer be a secret once I type it here, and since we all know that I can't possibly actually keep a secret from my blog readers*, I'm going to spill it right here right now...
Trakkers owns the Rev3 Races, so they are encouraging their athletes to do as many of the series as they can**... which of course is a challenge for me living here in Hawaii. But the attraction for me is that the Cedar Point Rev3 race is in Ohio, which is where my family lives. And it's Sept 12, which is like almost two full months after I give birth. Hmmm. I wonder if I could do a half iron race less than two months after I give birth? Hmmm. I wonder. It's in my head, y'all. If my delivery is just a tad early and is as easy as it was with Moana, I'll be back running and swimming 10 days later... ok ok I know it might be crazy, but the good news is that I don't have to enter early. I can wait and make a decision right before race day if I want. Shoot, I think the biggest challenge wouldn't be completing the race- it would be flying an almost two year old to Ohio. (The two month old would be easy because he/she will sleep the whole time.)

*Oh, but I can keep a secret. I've got a secret. But don't worry. I'll share it soon.
**IF you're thinking about entering a Rev3 race for 2010, hold off for a few weeks on entering because I'll have a discount code for you to save $10 off the entry fee. :)
I certainly hope your secret isn't that you are having twins!!! I don't know how much more exciting your blog can get.
Congrats on Team Trakkers! I can totally seeing you doing that half 2 months post-baby! But I agree, the travel would be much harder than the race.
I was planning on officially boycotting Trakkers since they totally dissed me this year, but now I can't. :)
A team that is so cool they have pregnant women on it? Kinda hard to hate.
If anyone can do it. You can!
oh, you can do it. it is nice to have that to help you with the postpartum craziness. i actually started running 7 days after i gave birth, and run throughout my pregnancy. i really did not lose much fitness, though at that point i was much slower than i am now. congrats on the trekkers deal!
Well.. I did the marathon 2 months later, + 2 weeks, so I'm not sure how much harder a 1/2 ironman is? But regardless, I know if anyone can do it - YOU can.
Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!!! Maybe I'll come cheer you on along with my other team trakker friend (daisyduc.blogspot.com)!
Ok, you know if your 2 month post preggo 1/2 iron is a better time than my first 1/2 in June I will have to hang my head in shame. Seriously, if you can manage it, you are my hero.
Congrats though on Trakkers tapping you, awesome!
Your secret? Hmmmm I wonder.
Bring it!!!! Like someone above said, if anyone can do it, it's YOU!!
YAY! My buddy Janet (DaisyDuc in blogland) made the team, too! WOOT!
If anyone can do that, you can! Plus, I'd really just like to meet you. :) And maybe I'd actually be able to keep up with you for a bit! LOL!
It sure would be motivation to keep up with some sort of routine over the next 30 weeks or so! Go for it.
If you're ob hasn't already told you, try an extra Vitamin B complex at night, it will help with fatigue in the 2nd and 3rd trimester as you're chasing a toddler while carrying a new baby.
Oh how exciting and what a fantastic goal! I am glad to finally make the connection to you via my local girls, salty and trisara! Looks like 2010 will be a very big year for you!
So glad Team Trakkers worked out. They are great people and I'm bummed not to be back next year.
Okay, you are a little nuts but I hope you can pull off a race 2 months post-pregnancy. I won't even tell you my story about c-sections and the plans it changed. And you are considering a flight to the mainland with a toddler and a baby? You are CRAZY (but in a good way, of course).
Congrats on Team Trakkers! Of course they kept you! If anyone can pull this off it is YOU! 2010 is going to be just awesome for you! Can't wait to hear the secret - I'm like you, can't keep them and am ancy waiting for them! :)
DO IT!!!! I have read many other blogs (yourself included) where women do amazing things after having a baby!! Plus if it's in Ohio, your mum will be busting to see Moana and the new baby, and Scott would be able to help out flight wise. I think it's an amazing and achievable goal!
ooh congrats!!! I'm excited for you to have this goal. Just keep it there and if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't. Wish Rev3 in CT was near your family... I'm doing that one.
Can't wait to hear your other secret! :)
Congrats Michelle!! So happy for you and the Trakkers team! And how awesome would that be if you were able to do the race in Ohio. I have no idea how hard that would be since I've never been pregnant and had to get in shape again after a pregnancy BUT I will say that if anyone can do it, it's you!!! Yeah fun! :)
PS I'm REALLY sore from those pull-ups. Ouch. HAHA :)
You are totally mad (but in a good way). Can't wait to see what happens.
Congratulations!!! I have been watching your blog for the last year and have been amazed and motivated by all you have done.
I have been busy lately and just got to get caught up on your blog. The amazing thing is that I was shocked and so happy to read all your recent blogs as I am expecting my first and had my first ultrasound on the 25th of Nov and sounds like we might be due around the same time. (TMI but LMP = 10/1).
So I will be excited to see how you are keeping up with the swimming, biking and running as I am going to try to stay as active as I can. In hopes of getting back into IM shape and making it to Kona sooner then later.
Wow. A half two months after giving birth. Granted I'm a guy, so it is pretty hard to even imagine going through that, but that is bad-ass!
I'm psyched to have someone of your bad-ass-ness caliber on the team. Welcome aboard. See you in Ohio!
You are hard core lady, wow!!! I'm a new member to Team Trakkers as well and excited for this upcoming season. Lots of support from the team which is awesome.
I traveled with my almost 2 year old to IM Wisconsin. I went to the dollar store and spent $20 on "entertainment" (basically crap ;). I wrapped each item like a present and gave them to her periodically throughout the flight. Opening the "toy" was a whole activity in itself and then of course playing with each thing. She did great and it saved me!
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