The theory of supply and demand then would give you an idea of what local Christmas trees cost...
Regardless, about a week ago I started bugging Scott about getting a tree. Night after night, he came home empty handed. My requests became more urgent. Um, Honey, Christmas is NEXT WEEK and we don't have a tree!!! He told me not to worry. He would get one.
Then the news story came on... no more Christmas trees on the island (actually, I heard it first on Facebook- the real source for local news). Great. We missed out. No tree for us this year.
I told Scott that there are no more trees. Again, he told me not to worry. He told me he knew where he could cut one down. Really? Part of me believed him, part of me did not.
I should not have doubted my resourceful husband, who came home the other night dragging a tree up the stairs! Yay! A tree! Then I saw it. And immediately burst out laughing!! Turns out, Scott stopped along the Pali Highway on his way home from work and sawed the top off of a Norfolk Pine.
You see, Norfolk Pine trees are actually quite abundant on the island, but they are not normally used as Christmas tress. I'm guessing that's because their branches are like 2 feet apart. See?

So while we do not have the fullest tree on the block, it was likely the cheapest. AND the most sustainable, given that it was not imported in and that Norfolk pines re-grow easily after their tops have been sawed off. Scott is in Environmental Science. He should know.
Anyway, the night Scott dragged it in the house, Moana was very curious about this new thing and of course she needed to check it out. It was leaned up again the wall in the corner (next to my bike on the trainer*)... it took about 3 minutes before we heard the frantic wailing of a very scared 1 year old... looking over we saw that she had pulled it down upon herself. That must be scary, to be eaten by a tree. So that's the story about why it's now up on a card table.
*Let's face it, I'm not using that bike trainer. It's been relegated to the patio.
We don't get a tree here. Maybe one day.
OMG, crack me up! I guess I never even thought of that....we go and CHOP down our trees from acres and acres of pine trees. Your tree is very cute- very Charlie Brown! But I am SO glad you got a xmas tree! Moana will always remember hers too!
Merry Christmas!
I love it! It has that warm weather feel to it . . . I am missing that big time!!
Nice, I personally like it
I love your tree. So much more character and many more memories in a tree like that!
Nice. I like it- we don't have a tree at all. Thought about motivating for one, but figured Ben would just destroy it.
Know what else I like? The time difference between Hawaii and VA - you update your blog while I am sleeping and I get to read the new post when I log on in the morning.
Merry Christmas!
It's a Charlie Brown tree! I love it! Poor Moana, though... :)
That tree is adorable. I like it as well. Maybe Scott has started a trend.
That tree made me LOL. Merry Christmas!
I hate to say it, since it was free and environmental and all, but wow that is one Charlie Brown looking of a tree! I do love it though! Glad your man came through!
I like that tree, it has character, you can see the decorations easily, and no cats can get lost in its branches...
hilarious. i absolutely love it.
Your tree is so cute!
LOL! Great tree... one for the memory books!
I love this tree. That's awesome.
I love it!! And yes, that would be very scary to be eaten by a tree... :)
OMG - hilarious. Merry Christmas Mama.
LOVE the tree! I thought at first it was very teeny....but then I realized how big it is after you said you put it on a card table. Too funny!! But ya, poor Moana. That's a story for the baby book :-)
I love your Charlie Brown Xmas tree!!
oh that is so cute!!! It IS a charlie Brown tree!!!! I take our tree lot for granted too I guess. Since Maine's the Pine Tree state and all!! :) Merry Christmas you guys!have a blast!!!
I heart goofy trees! That is the best and such a fun little xmas tradition. Here we have the opposite situation, as I'm sure you well know. We took peanut out and chopped down a nice 9ft white pine (aka muppet tree). We're probably environmental a-holes for that, but we recycle the tree when we're done--first by putting it out by our bird feeder for our birds to perch in and then we take it to get mulched. Anyway, I'm glad even without snow and a glut of trees you manage to have quite a festive holiday!
I love your tree! I am seriously considering planting one in my backyward, to eventually have and decorate without getting one every year. It does bother me that so many large trees get cut every year, yet I dislike the plastic trees and do want my son to have one.
Nice to find your blog, too!! I'm so behind on all things NOT Christmas, i feel like a big slacker. Love the tree!!
This is right up my alley! I think you should make it a family tradition. Mele Kalikimaka and much aloha to you, Scott, Moana, Scrappy and the animals for the holidays! :) Roz
just found your blog and wanted to say hi!
That tree really showcases your ornaments! Very resourceful! I love it!
Sonja (one of your trakkers teammates)
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