Last night we went out to dinner as a family... the little family of 3. We don't do that a lot because let's face it, taking a toddler out to dinner can be a nightmare (for everyone!) but last night was just perfect. Moana actually provided some good entertainment value to the evening. We ordered 'scallop cakes' (like crab cakes) for an appetizer and when they were placed on our table Moana let out a big "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH" from her highchair. For the record, she's a big fan of scallop cakes. She's also a fan of opah, rice, baked potatoes, and salmon. It was hysterical last night to watch her just open up her mouth as wide as she could. It was like, open mouth, insert fork through the whole dinner. Then of course came the dessert... and who doesn't like peanut butter chocolate cheesecake with oreo crust? Moana helped us polish off this baby.

We got home and Scott gave me a new Mac Mini for my birthday! I don't complain about this computer very much to you guys, but Scott listens to me all the time and probably just finally got so annoyed at my incessant whining about how it freezes up all the time and takes forever to load a page and then just randomly shuts itself off sometimes... We'll get the Mac set up this weekend and then hopefully there will be no more complaining about the freezing up of the computer. Yay!
Moana also wanted to add to the birthday giving fun... so she gave me a big poop. In the bath tub. Oh, thank you, Moana. Mommy appreciates cleaning up poop out of the bathtub on her birthday.
In better news, I went in for my first A.R.T. appointment this morning. I wasn't sure what to expect but I've heard so many of you rave about the wonders of A.R.T. I just had to go see for myself what this magic is all about. My weak spots were identified immediately and then, via some very painful moves, they were 'released' and now I'm all better! Lol. Not quite that easy, but I do feel like I've got a good grip on what the problem is and we've made real strides toward getting me all healed up. My calf feels 100% better today and I've been given the green light to run (easy) on FLAT surfaces, which for me means the track or the treadmill because there are no flat surfaces around here. As much as I hate running on a treadmill, I hate not-running even more, so the treadmill it is.
I've also got some other big news... so stay tuned...
I'm glad you had a great birthday! That hubby of yours sure sounds fantabulous. :) And I'm glad you're on the way to healing and getting back in your groove.
happy Birthday! glad you had a great family dinner, poop and mac!!
Glad you had a great celebration - we have not been able to take Petru out for dinner until recently, he just could not sit for more than a minute. Glad ART is working for you! Treadmill running is better than no running!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so glad the ART is helping.
And the tub poop is something I am all too familar with. GROSS GROSS DOUBLE GROSS! I just think of all the e coli everywhere because of the water. YUCK! But at the same time it's also kind of funny, isn't it!
Oh, and what's with the cliffhanger? How am I supposed to sleep tonight??? :)
At least you found the poop when she did it. Be give the boys bubble baths and last week Brayden pooped, it got caught under the bath mat covered in bubbles...didn't find it till the next night at bath time. Gross!
Glad your calf is feeling a little better.
i don't want to experience bath poop EVER! so far so good...happy birthday, the cheesecake sounds yummy!! and about meters v yards, the downside is when i thought i took 1 minute off my time, it was probably because the new time was in a yards pool. sigh...
Sounds like a very fun birthday . . even with the poop! Agree with the treadmill, but at the moment I would rather be on that than risking an injury on the snow/ice!
OH SO glad your calf is ok!!! I have been thinking about that. PHEW...and glad you got a new MAC (YAHHH!) and had a nice dinner out! Good 36th bday for sure!
Glad you had a great birthday..even if there was poop involved! ( :
I guess I have missed something...what is ART? And how does it work?
Yes, another Mac user! Happy Birthday!
That is awesome news about the ART. I went once and I still felt crooked and it unfortunately didn't do a whole lot for me (plus it was a long ways from my house) so I never went back. Enjoy your new computer and hopefully you won't get anymore tub poops! Those are the worse and luckily they always happen to my husband and not me!
Happy Birthday! (belatedly) We loved our Mini Mac....then we upgraded to the 24" screen Mac - and we love that glad the ART is working, I've never had it done either. Hmmm, I wonder what the big news is? Moving house? That's my bid because I can't think of any other really good likely ones...
Happy belated 36th! Glad the ART seems to be working. Enjoy the treadmill! It's better than running outside here, if that makes you feel any better.
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