Not being able to run these past few weeks left me feeling like something was missing. (Like a limb?) It didn't matter that *everything* else was going really well... my inability to run made me feel all incomplete. But apparently that A.R.T. stuff is magic because I ran today without even a twinge of pain. Not even a bit of tightness. Amazing. Truly. I know that I need to be careful with it for a while yet though- the PT told me that I am susceptible to re-injuring it for the next 3 months, so I need to be careful about running too fast or too hilly. But flat easy or tempo running is just fine. I'm listening to this gal because clearly she knows what the heck she's talking about.
You know what else is complete? (This is the big news you've all been holding your breath and waiting for...) My website. My coaching website. How's that? I feel like the real deal now. Amazing how a little website can do that to you.
I was inspired to create one but seriously didn't know where to start. I figured I'd have to hire someone to do it for me... I had so many very basic questions... like how do you make a logo... and can I buy the web address... and what do you do once you have your web address?? I may know triathlon, but I did not feel like I knew how to create a website.
BUT, the good thing is that we can all learn, can't we? And this Internet thing is amazing when you can google something like 'create a website' and get all sorts of good information about where to start and what to consider when getting started.
I started with my logo. I found a site that said their professionals would create one for me for $499. Hmmm. That seems like a lot of money. Then I found another site that said their professionals would do it for me for $150. That sounds more realistic. Then I found a site that told me I could make my own logo for free. I didn't have much hope that I'd be able to come up with anything good because let's face it, artistic talent is not exactly a strength of mine... but here you go. This is what I made. Like it?
I like it. I like the Find A New Gear tag line, and if you've been reading my blog for a while you know I talk about that sometimes- finding new gears while you're training and racing... getting out of your comfort zone and finding out that You're Faster Than You Think.
Next up... tackle the website. I did a bunch of reading about it, then finally settled on a 'host' for my site, registered my 'domain name', and boom! Website created. Now if I could just come up with the content.
I sat for about 2 days staring at the blank pages of my website. It's strange- putting yourself out there like this on the web... In my heart I know that I am a good coach and that I have a lot to offer to athletes who are looking to reach their potential... but to write all that out and put it on the web like, "Hello, World! I think I can help you..." makes me feel very vulnerable. But you know what? Sometimes things are scary. And those are the things we need to just do. Shut your brain off and just do it. (That's what I used to have to do when I was a springboard diver in college and I was afraid of a dive- just shut my brain off and do it.)
Unfortunately the only way I actually knew how to shut my brain off in this situation was to drink a beer. So, beer in hand, I just started doing it. I created my website. Thank you, (inhibition-blocking) beer.
I asked my athletes for testimonials. This part was actually very touching for me. It appears that the athletes I'm coaching now actually like me and feel like they are improving in the sport thanks to my guidance. Ahh. Sappy, I know. You know what's NOT sappy? That in her testimonial, one of my athletes actually called me her 'Triathlon-Mother'. Ha ha! You know, I guess I thought of JH as my Triathlon Mother last year, even though she is only 3 years older than me. The scary thing here is that I could theoretically be Rae's mother! I never thought of myself as being so old until it occurred to me that had I had a child while I was in high school, she would be Rae's age now. Let's move on, shall we?
So here you go... Hello, World... check out my new website at And let me know if you want me to be your mother too. ;)
WOW, your website looks fantastic. You did a great job. I am so glad to hear that your calf is better. My massage helped a lot and possibly might have fixed my hip pain. I am just afraid to blog about it in case I jinx myself.
Congrats on the website and GREAT work on the logo. It is tough, I agree! but so worth it! Congratualations!!tn
Your website is fantastic! Congratulations..and good luck!
This is awesome. Nice work. If I ever decide to go the personal coach route, I will totally be calling you first.
Awesome Michelle! It all looks great and I love the "find a new gear" tag line also! Gooood luck! And great news about the calf too! :)
Congrats on the website! It looks great for something you did on your own! I had to make my own site for a computer class as an undergrad, boy am I glad I don't even know what the web address is! It was painstaking work. And I'm definitely looking forward to my rest, thanks! :o)
Looks great! I'm impressed that you are going for it!
And that's great news about your calf. ART sounds like magic.
It looks AWESOME!!!! Fantastic work on your site Michelle - I remember talking to you after Kona about coaching... and you have done such a FANTASTIC job! WOO HOO!!! Good luck - its clear that you care about your athletes. yea!!!
I love it!!
Nicely put together, looks great!!!
HA! So if I am OLDER than you, I wonder how we do the math on you being MY triathlon mother?
It is always scary embarking on a new adventure. I remember when I went out on my own for work I didn't sleep for three months. It all turned out well. You are gonna do great! You'll only need the beer to celebrate!
Love the website! I like the gear idea too! I hope you have a great week :-)
Love the website! I like the gear idea too! I hope you have a great week :-)
congrats, that's awesome.
glad to hear you are running again!
Congrats! That logo is very cool! I have no creative tallents what so ever, so if I ever need a logo I think I will be calling you :)
Again, congrats on a job well done!!
Great work :) Love the gears.
Your ART tale made me look up local practitioners on my insurance and after wading through 14 that weren't covered, I actually found one. Now I just need to suck it up and go see him!
Awesome! You're so legit!
Nice site Michelle and congrats on getting back to running! The concept of A.R.T. has always made sense to me and I'm glad that it has worked for you. Cheers and see you on the road this weekend! Oh, and I ran 36x1:00 continuously on your birthday, plus WU and CD. That's cheap, but I was traveling and that's my non-excuse for not being more creative (because I know you don't like excuses!). =)
Congrats Michelle!! Greta looking web-site. Now, does me asking you to be my coach mean that we get free accommodation in Hawaii?? :)
COngrats! It looks great! I am impressed you did it on your own. Great job!
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